🦞 Trans rights


A post was merged into an existing topic: :laughing: Joke thread; may cause offence (with a bit of luck) :face_vomiting: :angry:

A post was merged into an existing topic: :laughing: Joke thread; may cause offence (with a bit of luck) :face_vomiting: :angry:

This thread is in the #reasonably-serious-discussion-1 category and explores issues that are important to some members.

If you feel it important to make light of the subject (not judging) then please do so on one.of the humour-related threads.


Agreed. It was never the intent of the thread to mock, more to try and tackle an issue that seems unique in human history.


I found out about 6 months ago that my daughter’s best friend(boy) has identified as female since about the age of 11(never noticed, just a nice kid). Talking about it is eye opening, but still confusing. The main point i took away from it was how they dealt with it. Far more adult than the adults on the whole.
If it is indeed unique to our times(i seriously doubt this) then you really need to look at the chemicals forced on western children from the moment they are born. I believe this has had an effect and probably increased the amount, but there have always been people that personally identified differently.
I’d be interested in the percentages, as the science behind the chemicals(if linked) would suggest it’s pretty much a one-way street (m-f).

The reason I say it is unique to our times is because we have the technology for much of the transition to be actualised, especially at such a young age.

I’m really not a believer in binary gender roles. I think all of us are on a spectrum, and that’s okay. I am also someone that would respect an individual’s personal pronoun choice on a cultural level, but perhaps not on a legal level or a sporting level.

Whatever we might decide we are, nature always had its own ideas for us. Born males are stronger than born females, and sorry lads, but born males are certainly more prone to violent and sexual assault than born females.

Our present law, which I believe allows people to self-gender based on a declaration, creates very real legal issues and has already led to sexual assaults in female prisons which would not have happened otherwise.


Fair point about the technology. It does change things(soz).
As for the legal side, every example you give would appear to have been obvious, so you then need to ask why?
It would seem(to me) a very delicate subject has been deliberately thrown to the wolves.

Warning. Contains Piers Morgan.

Is this a trick question? He should just be fired. I say this having not watched it as it contains Mr Morgan.

Well fair play to you for your honesty and not watching Piers Morgan.

The backdrop to this video was a previous interview in which Piers refused to recognise that there were one hundred different gender identities one could identify as.

Piers also identified as a penguin of some kind in the previous interview in an attempt to highlight the absurdity of being able to identify as virtually anything. Petrol. Bonfire. Petition calling for him to be sacked.

There are probably loads of good reasons Piers Morgan should be sacked, but this probably isn’t one of them. The posted vid also has India Willoughby putting up a staunch defence of Morgan and some damning words for trans activists.

He just does it for attention and will love a petition against him. It is pointless really. Turning off is probably best at least for my sanity.
But if he wants to identify as a penguin. Well he can fill his boots.

Couple of questions.

  1. [quote=“pap, post:192, topic:4670”]
    Petition calling for him to be sacked.
    If that’s how he wants to be identified, what’s the problem?
    2.quote=“pap, post:192, topic:4670”]
    India Willoughby
    Who? I’ll take a wild guess at nepotism being involved.

That Willoughby isn’t related to the other famous one.

That’s unusual for those lot.

Perhaps not the best way to assert one’s feminine credentials.

A legit accounts? Or just trolling fake ones. Hard to know these days.

Do a search. You might discover what you find is hard to defend.

Not defending anything.

Fair enough, but you’re at least inviting people to find another excuse for these comments by suggesting that they were not made by genuine trans activists.

Corroborating evidence is not hard to find.