🏝 Barry Island - Home of the Whopper 🍔

Personally I am i n the they left for Syria, they shouldn’t be allowed back camp.
Oh so they were groomed. Doesn’t do it for me, you could take that defence into almost every corner of Law Oh I wasn’t responsible the TV made me do it… Not going to debate it, it’s my view.

But, it is illegal to declare a Citizen stateless, so unless she was an immigrant who went through a process and signed something saying she could lose her Citizenship for being non compliant then we can’t keep her out. (Perhaps something to add into the naturalisation process?)

Equally, Trump has weighed in today and, unfortunately, for once he make a rather valid and damning point. This is NOT about one runaway “Bride”. The US & Kurdish Authorities currently hold over 800 foreign “fighters” (Terrorists) if you prefer, and he is demanding that all other Nations take them back and try them.

Of course, we don’t have clear laws (or evidence that would hold up in UK courts to be able to try every single one of them.

So this isn’t a one Mum problem, it’s about 800 highly trained anti-western culture terrorists about to be dumped back onto the streets of Europe.

Been here before… CIA arming Afghan Mujahadin (spelling?) against the Soviets…

CIA arming Iraq against Iran

The inconvenient truths of historical context

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Will have to disagree with you on the bit about being groomed. Lots of work around children being radicalised. Some use same tactics as sexual exploitation and gangs.
Chidren are children until 18. They are considered vulnerable until then.


Shame there isn’t such sympathy from the liberal elite for the Rotherham, Oxford and Huddersfield victims of grooming.

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Does that mean I was a vunerable child when sent on my apprenticeship at the age of 16
My father sold me to the CEGB

Who do I sue

They should be brought back and at least be 4 years long otherwise it is just a training course not a career course.

Who are the liberal elite again?

I very much have sympathy for those girls. I have worked with people who have been groomed. But as yet none by older men of a certain ethnicity. It’s often relatives/friends of family/males same age as young person.

I wasn’t aware that i was sympathizing with anyone. I was just pointing out the rank hypocrisy of our governments. Plenty of documented evidence of our security services facilitating, ie, supplying passports, flights etc for Muslim British citizens, sending them on their way to do our bidding in Syria, and to a lesser extent Libya. Our hands are far from clean.
The grooming in Rotherham etc, although disgraceful, has absolutely nothing to do with the topic under discussion here. But of course you know that really. But i suppose it allows you to use one of your buzzwords, ie, Liberal Elite, whoever they may be.


Anyone Bazza doesn’t like…thought you knew. Like a lot of cliche he uses…he read it somewhere and liked the sound of it. :lou_eyes_to_sky:


Would she treat us with respect and dignity if we lost a battle?
That said the West is far far better than her dogma and beliefs and we can only hope she has as you say been brainwashed, when she has recovered hopefully she can join mainstream British society.
Of which what do you make of this?

@Barry-Sanchez, LGBT schools or the Syria thread?

Have a word with yourself mate.

Ah the religion of peace and tolerance…


I can’t keep up.

You don’t have to. This is Barry’s Island and Barry’s word is gospel(just smile and nod).
If you must know, he’s talking about a religion that isn’t rife with pedophiles as their representatives. If you need another clue, any country that practices it will get humanitarian bombed until they do as told and pay to be bombed(it’s no wonder he’s confused).

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Instead of going down your usual route, let’s bring your ‘democracy’ to your special place.
And not to disappoint you, the words Putin and Russia are mentioned in less than derogatory terms(wierd eh?).

“For the last 5 years, you’ve read how Russia and Putin are a threat to democracies worldwide. But two questions arise. First, “Are we living under true democracy?” Or, better yet, “Is democracy even possible on our world?” On the first question, the answer is a definitive “no.” First of all, we have no real choice in who we elect. This is widely accepted. More importantly, even if we did have a viable and independent representative on our behalves, that person would end up converted, minimalized, imprisoned, or dead”


If you’re into % what % of the Muslim faith are extremist? @Saint-or-sinner @Goatboy

82.65% less than Christian and 91.85% less than Jewish, but 1.35% more than Hindus and a whole 34.95% more than Buddhists.
You’re point being?

Fuck, sorry everyone, it’s Barry Island again.
Bob, Bletch, Pap, anyone i’ve forgotten this song should be played every time this happens.


Just homophobic and nationalist laws, you’re viewpoint is obsolete to the Western outlook, you’re a dinosaur.