Should the rich pay for your kid's free lunch?

LOL! :lou_lol:

To be fair, I feel a bit sorry for Pap on this thread. When you’re from a council estate it’s completely shit, and even if you get out of it, you’ve never got fancy parents who can stump up massive deposits for your house or pay for your education.

The ONE positive, is you have permission to be a MASSIVE inverted snob, and be slightly smug about the fact you’ve come from a council estate, as you’re clearly a working class genius. That gives you permission to call ANYONE who doesn’t come from a council estate, a COMPLETE tosser and wanker.

This thread seems to not understand these rules of the world… :lou_eyes_to_sky: :lou_wink_2:


Yeah, but only if you have a chip on your shoulder about coming from a council estate.

For me, if someone’s done really well then I don’t really gissa shit how they got there. I’m not prejudice against people from any walk of life. However if someone says to me they’ve done well but grew up in a council estate (boo-hoo) I don’t think “fair play”, I just think about whether they wash properly, wear Tommy Hilfinger clothes or have all their own teeth.

I don’t mind Pap these days. He has moved into comical forum ‘character’ taking over from Barry who is more normal these days. I find it helps that the only material he has is that I don’t go to Southampton much (was there on Saturday so this is as weak as he is) and my hot tip for putting up with Pap…

Replace every time he says mush with “I am sorry for being a cock who will never admit I can be wrong at times”. This means the more angry and belligerent he gets, the more apologetic and honest he becomes. I think a few poster on this thread could use these useful tips.


I was just about to call you a I am sorry for being a cock who will never admit I can be wrong at times you complete and utter I am sorry for being a cock who will never admit I can be wrong at times. I just wish that I am sorry for being a cock who will never admit I can be wrong at times Pap would I am sorry for being a cock who will never admit I can be wrong at times up his own I am sorry for being a cock who will never admit I can be wrong at times

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Quite the opposite, really.

Lou’s right on the financial stakes. I think I got fifty quid off the old dear in four years of University - other than that had to find all the money myself.

Then, when you’ve done years of working and your own kids are ready to go to Uni, the gov says “hallo there Mr Taylor, you are well off. Your kid can fuck off if she wants any money from us. Oh, and she’ll still be in debt to the tune of something like 30k, even after all the meagre help you’re able to provide”.

For me, if someone’s done really well then I don’t really gissa shit how they got there. I’m not prejudice against people from any walk of life. However if someone says to me they’ve done well but grew up in a council estate (boo-hoo) I don’t think “fair play”, I just think about whether they wash properly, wear Tommy Hilfinger clothes or have all their own teeth.

No-one can have a go at a kid for being sent to an independent school, but I reserve the right to think poorly of parents that send their offspring to fee-payers, particularly for grasping social mobility purposes.

Can you define ‘social mobility’ and then maybe provide your opinion on whether you feel it is a good thing or bad? You see I happen to think its a shit ‘label’ made up by thsoe who like labels as is just so much easier (and lazy) to compartmentalise people into nice easy to remember categories… Because you see, is it only a bad thing when it costs ou money, or is it all bad?

In the good old days, you see when your working class could be spotted by their grubby faces and flat caps etc, they would all be proud of any of their louts that got to go to the Grammar school - all clubing together to pay the ‘fees’ (expensive uniforms) - hoping their kids would do 'em proud. …

Now of course, you also have working class kids (heaven forbid) going to university to ‘better themselves’ and thus achieve social mobility, why they even let former peasents from the colonies become doctors and such … whatever next… fuck is there no end to this social mobility that you so dispise if you have to pay for it? Why, lets just dispise all the students, I mean how the flying fuck dare they fork out 30K to get a degree and try and be socially mobile. Surely we should tell them that if you have to pay for it its wrong and they should all fuck off back down the pit or factory or whatever?

(just in case as Pap has form on this… I am offering up this what is called sarcasm… it may be the lowest for of wit, but its perfect for those with the lowest form of intellect :lou_lol:)

Originally posted by Chutney Ferret

(just in case as Pap has form on this… I am offering up this what is called sarcasm… it may be the lowest for of wit, but its perfect for those with the lowest form of intellect :lou_lol:)

I love sarcasm(keep pointing it out please,as i don’t always notice), makes me feel all intelligent.

I find any Tokyo-Pap interaction very sexual.

Why do you think we do it Lou?

Keep going - don’t stop!


Yeah yeah I will definitely call Lou. Just sleep time now.

I’m not sure I’d describe it as a chip on shoulder. I just find people with posh accents sound so weird! Where do those alien accents come from?! As I’ve got older, I’ve realised that posh people with oddly confident and supercilious sounding accents aren’t ever as confident as they sound, which sometimes makes me feel a bit sorry for them.

Much as I think going to private school definitely gives your kid a head start in life, I could never bring myself to encumber them with that bloody embarrassing accent! :lou_wink_2:

I think you’ll find I said “grasping social mobility”

Shall we work with that?

I define that as someone that clearly doesn’t like where they come from (and by extension, who they are) and pretend to be something else because they’re not comfy with their perceived station in life.

I don’t give a fuck whether that’s someone sending their kid to an independent school, someone that lies about where they’re from, or someone rocking the surname “Taylor” that insists its pronounced “Te-lor”.

It’s grasping and pathetic.

ffs. Typical bloke.

One of my mates called his son Tobias.

That’s pot-committed. I don’t think state school was even an option after he registered his child :lou_sunglasses:

Please, if anything it’s the complete opposite. I’m proud of where I’m from. It’s the fuckers that don’t know who they are I have difficulty dealing with.

Are these cartoon characters, or real people? I dunno that I recognise my Fellow Man from this little packet of pop-psychology & prejudice

I feel the same about liverpudlians and glaswegians

They’re all real people.

The girl who called herself Te-lor sounds incredible, but she existed at Tauntons in 1992. For real.

She was going out with a mush by the name of Hardman, who had his own catchphrase, which he presumably used everytime he met someone and had a go at crushing their hand.

“A hard man is good to find”


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