:tories: Tories in trouble?

Pretty good return for a £15m investment

No doubt a place in the HoL is on its way as well.



This needs to be stopped now.

Regardless of your views on abortion those fundamentalist whack-jobs from the USA need to be told to fuck up their own country not ours.

Imho obvs.

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Tory MP at centre of ‘honeytrap’ sexting scandal 'linked to sting operation that helped bring down …

So little willy linked to bringing down Boris and maybe to Russia?

A post was split to a new topic: Proposed Smoking Ban

Caught by the Wragg scammers?

Menzies has been relieved of his position as ‘unpaid’ Trade Envoy to Columbia, who knew there was such a role? And unpaid? Hmm, he’s a money grubbing Tory, what was he receiving for his troubles I wonder? ‘Locked up by bad people demanding money’. From Columbia maybe! Now what is the main import from Columbia? I’m sure there will be no shortage of volunteers to replace him in his ‘unpaid role’, with the Slithy Gove in pole position no doubt, he has some experience of South American produce apparently!
There are currently 12 police officers investigating Angela Rayner over an alleged avoidance of £1500 capital gains tax of which the Old Bill have already said there is no case to answer, yet Menzies has not currently even been reported to them. And what about Lady Mone and hubby who are probably sipping a cocktail on their yacht, (or should that be our yacht), somewhere in The Med as we speak, on £20 million of our money illegally gained? Are his Majesty’s finest chasing them? Are they fuck!
This current alleged government are corrupt to the core, and thoroughly immoral to boot, led by an absolutely useless fool hopelessly out of his depth. Sunak and co have been sitting on this story for months, it was only when they got wind of The Times snooping around the story that they threw in the allegations about Rayner in a vain hope to deflect it. It won’t work.

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This just gets better and better. David Cameron appointed Menzies PPS to Alan Duncan, a role in which he was sacked from when he was caught bang to rights trying to procure Class A drugs from a Brazilian rent boy. Despite this when the hapless Sunak became PM he appointed Menzies trade envoy to Columbia and Peru! In the words of the wonderful Half Man Half Biscuit, ‘What made Columbia famous made a prick out of you’.

I wonder what Mandelson’s doing nowadays?

Sadly he’s running the show and calling the shots in the Labour Party.

Much as I detest Mandelson, I’ve never been able to summon up the same visceral hatred that I have for Campbell.

Cunting Tories (& Labour) imho

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It probably wouldn’t stand up to a legal challenge on age discrimination

One thing is for sure - if the EU are pushing it, they have an agenda and it’s not born out of doing what’s best for the young

To be fair you’re probably overthinking it imho

Just for once it would be nice to see our government actually do something positive with our “new” relationship with the EU but with a general election looming :man_shrugging:

So the Tories appear to be doing this to gain local election votes?


The Guardian are equivalent to the New European nowadays. It doesn’t say who thought it, or why they believed it.