šŸ› ā“ The Technical Support Thread

Glory be. I finally got the upgrade today (after 12 days) to make Deezer work again on Bose. Only took 10 mins on each of 5 speakers to install, then another hour getting the system into a sane state. But works! :grinning: Sad that I have to install a new hub on Friday and start again. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I was sure I used to speak English but no idea what language half these posts are in


Is this better?

Chwała Ojcu. W końcu dostałem dzisiaj aktualizację (po 12 dniach), aby Deezer znĆ³w działał w Bose. Instalacja zajęła tylko 10 minut na każdym z 5 głośnikĆ³w, a następnie kolejną godzinę doprowadzenie systemu do normalnego stanu. Ale działa! :grinning: Smutne, że w piątek muszę zainstalować nowy hub i zacząć od nowa.

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Tā€™ching Quoia Mush

Klingon or Polish ?

Both very similar


I speak more Klingon tbh.

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Your spelling lacks honour.

He needs this

The Klingon Bee Geeā€™s by the look of them.


I spill my Cling On like I spill my polish

Finally got fed up and decided to get a new phone from O2 as Iā€™m long overdue an upgrade. Went in to the Swan centre, picked one out, then the bloke said ā€œyou say you need dual sim, are they both O2 sims?ā€ā€¦and I remembered why Iā€™d had to buy the fucking phone independently in the first place. You canā€™t use it, both sims are network locked and I have an EE pocket landline.

So, I updated the account, which I was overpaying for, and started looking into new phones. Got so bored that I just saved everything I could and reset the phone. Took me all afternoon to set it all back up again, but the square reader works again on it.

However, this is now on there.


I canā€™t remove it, or even take it off the home screens. Any idea what the hell it is?


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Tap it, find out what it does :slight_smile:

In all seriousness where is it on the phone screen, it might just be your app drawerā€¦


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And if you long tap on it do you get an uninstall option like on my phone??

I donā€™t, and itā€™s the only app icon that doesnā€™t give those options. Do you reckon Putin might be onto me after that gag I posted on Sicki in 2006? :thinking::flushed:

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Strange how it appeared after you reset the phone, are you sure it wasnā€™t there before?

Barry would have been all over this.


Yes, completely. Iā€™ve had the phone just over a year now, Iā€™d definitely have noticed it.

Now, just think about your non-Sotonians mobile activitiesā€¦

Is there any site you might have visited that could possibly have been compromised and that all downloads are definitely kosher?
