šŸ˜ƒ The Little Pleasures of Everyday Life

You in the gynecological ward?

Well he is a cunt so probably :rofl: :rofl:

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Loving the lack of elf n safety as he stands outside on the window with his power tool on the 2nd floorā€¦

Getting your tax return back from the accountant and being informed youā€™re due a 4 figure rebate :lou_sunglasses:

Ok so itā€™s the lowest possible 4 figure rebate but still a fucking result :lou_smiley:


Better than owing them that amount

Almost enough for a round of drinks in London

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Not enough for a round at Wembley

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Greetings Phil from Salisbury races. (Opens door for an evening of historical yarns)

One 9/2 winner has kept the losses to an acceptable amount. One race to go. Free entrance as a Hampshire Cricket member.


Once had wiiner in each of 1st 3 races got utterly shitfaced then won the last race.
Got a lift to Coombe Bissett and we had to turn out for the cricket team (in suits whites were at home in Salisbury)one of the gang attempted a quick single, fell over drunk.
Was recorded as RGH Davies Fell Out 0.

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Grandson just got home.
Yesterday was a 1/2 day costume fitting.
Today a full day filmong atWaltham Abbey.
Kid is totally hooked, such a great experience to see how movie making works.

Itā€™s now on his CV and his CV is on the film thing database and if something else comes up he has precedence for the approvals.

The film is based on a true story I need to google more, but I recall the story - Young American Missionaries rock up on a remote Island and get killed by the natives who used Bows and Arrows.

John Allen Chau

(None of that went on in Waltham!)
Also, little bugger banked Ā£100 after agents fees and deductions!

The Andaman Islands if I recall correctly

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Yeah i actually remembered the story because it was so unusual.

So now we wait to see if he makes it through the edit!

Last night the leg was swollen, very hot and needed ice.
Couldnā€™t find any comfortable position.

This morning swelling gone had 40 minutes deep tissue massage on the scar and tendon and a few very gentle exercisesā€¦
Both Physio and Doc told me to rest up today let the knee recover, limit walking

And the golf is on
Iā€™ve been told to stay in bed and watch the golf!

Well this ainā€™t no ā€œlittle pleasureā€ this a fuckinā€™ giant pleasure. Just had news of my mate of 50 years who had a stroke on a train between Munich and Stuttgart on the 14th May.
His doctor sent this message to his wife this morning,
"Hello Susan
today is a good day!!!
Bill spoke to us today!!!
Iā€™m so happy

Yep he spoke for the first time since his stroke and his ambulance flight to Southampton General is on Saturday. Iā€™m choked. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Car insurance. Person causing damage admits liability.
Insurance sends blokey round to look and assess cost.
A week later, insurance company ring Mrs TB, tell her the quote for repair is Ā£2,700, so they write the car off.
Sends us Ā£1,300.
We hire a car for four days (Ā£240). Drop the car to body shop - 3 days later I pick up the car, repaired (even dents/scratches nothing to do with insured damage). Car looks like new - cost Ā£550.
So - we spend Ā£790 - profit for us on insurance scam is thus Ā£510!
After hiring car, insurers ring up again - would we like a courtesy car. Too late we say, but thanks. Profit for us could have beenĀ£750!
Bloody idiots, but thanks anyway.

Just wait till your next renewal. :scream:

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After fighting with rapidly decreasing hard drive space for the last couple of years and rationalising what I store on my desktop pc. I have today solved the problem by looking at the spec of my HP computer.
This is the salient point: 2TB HDD + 128GB SSD. I forgot I have two Drives one HHD and the smaller SSD that has most of my stored data and all of my problems. :lou_facepalm_2:


Feeling like you are the youngest person at a concert

So youā€™re not at a Taylor Swift gig, clearly.

Tom Jones