😃 The Little Pleasures of Everyday Life

That moment when you are in a taxi home & can FINALLY take your Bow Tie off.

Oh yes

So I have to sing that fucking song every week next season

Yes I will post the you tube tomorrow

Not giving a fuck what the bosses or workers want today.

We are staying up :lou_lol:


Daughter gave birth to another grandson this afternoon

Was a few weeks early but all is well


Welcome to the world little Manolo! Which auto corrects to manila :lou_wink_2:


This Mornings hangover.

This evening drinking Vodka with a Polish Trade Delegation and finding they all watched the game last night and went mental when we scored.

(Mrs D_P had clearly briefed them well)

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2nd bottle of somebody else’s expense account Vodka has arrived.

I’m doing dancing.

At my age.

Bloody football bloody adrenalin bloody Polish people bloody marvellous


Meant to say earlier I heard my first Cuckoo of the year. Mrs C_S said I’m supposed to write to the times to inform them. (Is that a thing?).

I said what, and say that I was having a satisfying dump at the time as well?

It is a thing.

Do it

Dear The Times,

Yesterday whilst having a particularly satisfying dump I heard my first Cuckoo of the year.

Both gave me great pleasure.

Yours sincerely,

Cobham Saint esq.


Reckon Viz might publish


12 long months and fighting and finally we are trending #2 with our tech powering an event App for a client.

Bung a link on LinkedIn - if I see it I’ll share, maybe


Did that first :grin:

Saved the pic then social media’d it so could link to Twitter from my phone :sunglasses: thanks

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I had look at your app. The reviews are very good, especially from some bloke called Philip Hughes :lou_eyes_to_sky:


Which has been a shock seeing I deliberately DIDN’T review it :joy::joy::joy:

Where is our marketing bloke.

Gonna have words

Glad it’s all going well for your Phil. If you put the hard work in, enjoy the rewards :lou_lol:

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Let’s see.

Groundwork done now to get over the line for the funding to go global. Close but no cigar


Plan A HQ in Poland. Huge support for us from tgere.

Plan B? On stage in 55 minutes. Shit better finish this Margarita then Stereophonics - with Eric

Gonna be messy

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Ah, found you eventually- don’t you look smart in a suit! Day in court by any chance? :lou_wink:


No charge.