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oi less of the ancient :laughing:

I would accept Erectus langleyius


Rubbish that isn’t latest news.
Every Sotonian has known about a weird & ancient Human Being in the Phillipines since forever.

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Julian Assange has been arrested at the Ecuadorian embassy.

Good, what backward beliefs.

With a first name like that, your comment could get you into a lot of trouble.

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What comment and why?

I’d guess

  1. 958
  2. Not yours
  3. I know what will happen

I’m sorry I’m totally lost here, what have I posted thats controversial, two homophobic people tweeting homophobic things from the BBC is hardly outrageous is it?

I was pretty confident about number 3, but thanks for confirming(if i’m correct). I’d guess the other two were isreal folau and what he said.
Now i’ve though about it, hope i’m wrong :grin:

I think he was referring to the rugby player’s first name…

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Ah I see, now the thing is that says more about the person who spotted it than me, didn’t even think of his name.
Strange how people minds subliminally work…

As the whole world knows…say anything against “Israel” and you’ll be stigmatised as a Labour supporter.


So the Boeing 737 has had a core design flaw for decades.

I flew back from Muscat on one of these a couple of days before the Ethiopian one went down. It was a bit of a rough flight too, lots of turbulence and a bouncy landing. What the poor sods on the Ethiopian flight went through in their last moments is the stuff of nightmares. Nosediving into the ground from 30,000 feet at silly MPH. There but for the grace of God etc.

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There must be an easy answer to this but why isn’t there a manual override 2 people on the cockpit can authorise to disable this?

Flew a few times on them to here in Krakow with FlyDubai. They managed to make them more pleasant than normal low cost airlines but damn, a 6 hour flight on any single aisle aircraft is claustrophobic.

And yes, heading straight down (in say Lockerbie) versus the horror of the Ethiopean & Lion Air up & downs. We all hide those thoughts.

It is not much to google the entire story The Yellowstone project, South West Airlines, the A320/321 Neo and shareholder value/time to market all fill in the gaps so easily Baz, and most of them are simple to read, not even msm can taint the stories. That link I posted is a new angle all the above I’ve read on a mixture of sites.
But basically Baz.


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