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I quite often see an interesting news story that I can’t find a thread for and don’t have the confidence for starting a new thread about. So,here is “the latest news” thread, where the latest news can be reported freely and if it’s a big enough story then a new thread can be created for it.

latest news! The UN Security Council is going to kick the shit out of Israel after America gave it the go ahead (I may have misunderstood the story)



That Libyan plane hijacking that landed in Malta Stopped the recording of a film about a hijacking at Malta airport

i was reading about that hijacking. The two chaps involved were ex gadaffi supporters trying to raise awareness of their new political party. That’s some bad PR advice they were given.

Good, there can be no peace without Israel stopping this, as long as the Arabs what to extinguish Israel the US will defend her though.

interesting. You see Israel as a woman. I see him as a man. A man with hairy balls and arse.

Most Nations are seen as a women.

so you’re a sexist as well as a racist! Ha gotcha!

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princess Leia had had a heart attack

princess Leia had had a heart attack

She had 2 heart attacks :astonished:

She’s alien though so, maybe 3 hearts

Originally posted by @SaintBristol

She had 2 heart attacks :astonished:

She had had them.

Not sure what the situation is now.

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Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Most Nations are seen as a women.

That’s because most nations are getting fucked


Spend ÂŁ5 it really makes a difference :zipper_mouth:


I have just read that Rother Council, when talking about the drownings at Camber Sands in the summer, cites “non-swimming persons of a certain culture” as the reason the men drowned.

I wonder, does Barry work for Rother Council?

Originally posted by @Fatso

latest news! The UN Security Council is going to kick the shit out of Israel after America gave it the go ahead (I may have misunderstood the story)


I am sure the Israelis will see it as a final “fuck you” from Obama. They were already fucked off about his plan to bring Iran in from the cold, which must have put the kibosh on a lot of long term plans.

Don’t think Trump can trump this either. The resolution won’t be heard again.

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Israel is certainly less than happy…

the Nigerians reckon they’ve ousted Boko Haram from their forest hideout. I wonder if they’ve managed to save any of those schoolgirls that went missing about 3 years ago.

This seems bloody appalling. The person in this article was a child at the time.


Originally posted by @Fatso


the Nigerians reckon they’ve ousted Boko Haram from their forest hideout. I wonder if they’ve managed to save any of those schoolgirls that went missing about 3 years ago.

They are still missing, the headline is a little misleading.

It’s kind of uncomfortable but Boko Haram doesn’t make the news as it’s in Africa, so less newsworthy. Last 5 years 1000’s of people have disappeared.

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