šŸ“° The latest news!

I might now actually give it a watch this year out of morbid curiosity and the lols.

I watched a bit of it. It was a load of fucking shite.


The Prime Minister of Slovakia has been shot. Isnā€™t he the pro-Putin guy?

But is he dead?

Obviously not. Different thread if thatā€™s the case.

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I have questionsā€¦


More pro-Trump

Can be both

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Paula Vennells in front of the PO inquiry today

She is very sorry
She relied on information given to her by experts in the PO / Fujisu

She must be a scouser

Funnily enough, years ago I met one of the people Vennells is trying to blame, the PO general counsel shortly after she left the PO - I got the impression that she quit on a point of principle, she couldnā€™t elaborate as she was NDAā€™d up the ying yang

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: :ballot_box::tories::labour: General Election 2024

RIP to the pilot and very sad that Batyle of Britain Memorial Flight has lost a Spitfire.

It beginsā€¦

The Conservative peer Michelle Mone and her husband, Douglas Barrowman, who have both acknowledged they were involved in the company, have previously been interviewed under caution by NCA investigators. Barrowman is not the person arrested on Wednesday.

Seems this is a big thing today.
Loads of randoms posting old photos of when they were important enough to be there.

News coming out this morning about the American/Chinese boss of American firm Innova Medical Group being given Ā£4 billion in UK covid contracts squandering millions on private jets, properties, homes for his mistresses etc. Charles Huang says the contracts generated Ā£2billion profit. The contract was fast tracked by Rishi Sunak and his team when Sunak was Chancellor. What an absolute disgrace, it would be good to think that the incoming Labour government will address these Covid scandals and dish out the appropriate punishments, ie jail time to the guilty parties in the Johnson government, but I wonā€™t be holding my breath.

Dont tell me they dug up lizzie for Charles birthday ?

I took that photo

According to a report Sir Ian made the most of his fall. As he laid on the floor of the auditorium he was heard to cry, ā€œAlas, alackā€¦I am undoneā€

Fucking disgraceful and they may not have done anything illegal, but the level if profiteering with tax payers money is fucking scandalousā€¦ 30m waterside properties yachts and jet skis ā€¦.

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She is one of the little people done good - former nurse

She got 13% of the entire PPE contract so its no wonder she made a boat load - even a 10% mark up (which is far from unreasonable) is going to land you Ā£140m. She also started setting up the supply in 2019 so she did take a massive risk with her business. She also declared the lot in the UK and paid taxed on it all - so the govt got almost half back.

This is no Michelle Mone cronyism - more in the right place at the right time with the right capabilities

She even delivered it all and it was good gear