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Wait until this afternoon….

The local flood warning sucks arse

FB posts from a friend in Falmouth this morning and replies would imply it was a bit more than a squib

Just been speaking to a mate in Jersey, they really copped it, 100mph winds and lots of damage, including to the roof of the General Hospital. No flights or ferries in or out.

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Still trying to light the squid…nothing doing. :rage:


In the “buying of opinion v morals” trend


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How do we know they were topless, their Boobie-Doobies have been covered up.
hastag: Outraged of Baddesley

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With safety in mind at least they’re wearing eye protection!

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There was always gonna be one…

Just “covered” this on the National News. Mrs P_F in hysterics the whole thing has exploded all the way into Government -

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That Suella Braverman is one fucking vile human being. She’s announced that being homeless and sleeping on the streets is a ‘lifestyle choice’, and plans to crackdown on people sleeping in tents, criminalising people who do so and intends to introduce a civil offence which will lead to charities being fined if they provide homeless people with tents. How low this country has sunk when a disgusting creature like her can become Home Secretary.


Looks like the ladder is being pulled up on her

Although it’s almost like she is trying to be fired, guessing she doesn’t want to be tainted with the incoming electoral disaster

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Pie does a Braverman meltdown…accurate it is…


“She has managed to offend just about everyone – no mean feat in a divided society,“ said Colum Eastwood, the MP for Foyle and the leader of the nationalist SDLP, who called her a “pound shop Enoch Powell”.

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That is offensive to Poundshops


Talking of Anniversary Dates…


haha ‘with one flick of a witches tit’ :rofl:


She is such a nasty piece of work.

I bet she still sleeps well at night thinking that she’s right, but too thick skinned to see that people revile her.

Still, it’s all an act to get sacked and then form a right wing racist faction in the Tory party. She doesn’t seem to see the irony in that.