⚖ The Independent Group

A bit of fun


Turns out I’m a Libertarian…bit like Jezza apparently

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Careful now.

Any suggestion that Israel might be spending money on influencing our politics is antisemitic. Apparently.

Even if Al Jazeera catch the Israeli embassy bang to rights, like.

A nipper that went to school with myself & @Intiniki said this of LFI:-

They have spent £10 million quid over last few years support LFI candidates. We as Labour friends of Palestine have spent zero as we have no money!


MOD EDIT: Discourse doesn’t natively handle .webp files so I converted it.

That didn’t work.

Thank you Bletch :+1:

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What is it supposed to do apart from being a picture - satirical I’ll grant you?

This made me chuckle

It’s a Steve Bell cartoon, so only what the picture says.

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Is that meant to be Tony Blair in the background?

An interesting read, unsurprising though…

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That’s the way I saw it, vagstar.

Self centred political opportunist?

Considering that the great British (nay European) masses are currently trending towards a lack of cultural/racial tolerance, does this action by the quitters not further emphasise the total lack of understanding/empathy in Westminster for the let’s be polite and say “feelings” of those they are alleged to represent?
“I quit because of isms” may get column inches but my pals 90 year old Dad and others will be saying but we dont want them here…

We really could be living the End of Days

“…“I quit because of isms” may get column inches but my pals 90 year old Dad and others will be saying but we dont want them here…”

The “positive” point about this bit is that it ain’t gonna be a viewpoint for very much longer, surely?

Agree but weve debated on the Brexit thread the impact that those opinions of the older generation had on current reality so it is still relevant.

Come April maybe we’ll have something different to witter about?



I thought the same, so checked Bell’s site. This is the first one I seen.

Headline needs updating, but apart from that, good piece, that shows Berger in her true light. A one trick pony.


More from Shaun Lawson. LOL.

Bit worse than that. Caught bang to rights falsely accusing an activist of antisemitism, on camera.


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