šŸ· Papsweb FAT Club - Monthly weigh in

OK fellow remaining Chubstars - please post a starting weight on Tuesday + target weight. We will have a simpler and fairer system for monthly awards but the cock of shame will rear itā€™s ugly head once againā€¦ :lou_surprised:

Iā€™m getting in early while I remember.

Original weight 1st Jan - 95kg, target weight 90kg.

Weight today 89kg, revised target - to not get fatter.

Iā€™m parking the bus, it wonā€™t be exciting to watch but I just want to defend what I have done since 1st Jan.


This is OK - Rally boy will be like the Missionary position of weighloss. Not exactly adventuous, but better than a posh wank

Jan 1st 80Kg

fluctuations in between with a low of 77.5Kg, but as of this morningā€¦

March 1st 79Kg

Target/Pipe dream is still 70Kg by end of May

Currently doing 5 high intensity fitness session perweek (only 30-45 mins each) plus playing 3 games of golf, and eating healthily, so a little disappointed the weight hasnā€™t dropped (and stayed off) more to date.


Starting 102kg

Target was 95kg

Weight today 96.1kg

Will set a lower target as this is feeling comfortable to keep going at. Plus I had a really beery month and couldnā€™t / didnā€™t exercise as much as usual.

Well done the RaleighBoy. Great job I.

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I is the initial letter of the RaleighBoyā€™s name, Iā€™m not patting myself on the back.

Intial weight 106.2kg

Target 90kg :lou_surprised: (long term is 80, but small steps and all that) Git down to 96 last August befor broken ribs and the road back to fat miseryā€¦so starting againin earnest.

Current 104.4kg

ā€¦its a long roadā€¦


Cycling between 100-200km per week - have cut out beer, crisps and other shite (this is a big challenge when away from homeā€¦) trying to limit net KCal intake to 1700 per dayā€¦ :lou_surprised:

Donā€™t forget Chubsters, itā€™s not all about the scales - itā€™s good just to feel fitter even if the end target is elusive

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Post fondue fighting weight - 93kg

I ve lost nothing in two month :lou_angry:

82.3kg. Target 80kg.

Pah back up again 92.2

Originally posted by @Sadoldgit

Pah back up again 92.2

Just weighed myself again - 92.0 makes a difference having a poop!

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Starting weight 85.5kg, current weight (average over the past week) 78.5kg. Weight this morning was actually 77.9kg, but as Iā€™m going on averages Iā€™ll stick to that. Very pleased generally; over a stone lost (in the old money) and I feel distinctly better for it too.

Initial target was 72kg, but Iā€™ll move that down to 70kg and see if I can get there. I seem to be shedding weight simply by eating less, and Iā€™ve got accustomed to doing so, in that my stomach no longer demands so much of the old Hieronymus.


Did the Eastleigh 10K yesterday morning in 56 mins 18 secs. Pretty happy with that as my training hasnā€™t been going great. Went off a bit too quickly and struggled a little for the last couple of K but donā€™t feel too bad today. Apart from the fucking massive hangover :lou_sunglasses:


Shit, are we still weighing in?

I thought weā€™d finished, so me and Bletch have been eating sticky buns for a fortnight, in fact heā€™s eaten so many that heā€™s got a repetitive strain injury in his shoulder.

Better start making myself sick againā€¦


Getting fucked off with this weight thingy. Have ridden 300km since the last weigh in and I am still the same weight. Think I need a good dose of dysentry to makes some in roads into this flab.

ā€¦many a true wordā€¦

My exercise regime has ground to a near complete halt over this shoulder injury. Other than a massive zinc deficiency and a couple of court cases, whoā€™d have thought there would be a downside to wanking?

I am also eating too much too.

The weigh-in will show Iā€™ve gained weight would be my guess.


Nice one Goatster!

Mrs Goat did tell me that you tend to go off a bit too quickly.


Just thinking that Eddie Izzard should probably weigh about 1k now after 27 marathons in 27 days including two in one day!

He still looked a bit chubby to meā€¦