:southampton: Our fine city and surrounds - photos



You spend your formative years in a place and never knew they even did this since 1976 - fudging things maybe (probably) but hey, S’all good.


And I didn’t know this - from Wikipedia:

“ * Danny Ings, England and Liverpool striker born in Hythe in 1992.”

I knew…my Dad was one of the first “Blue Badge” guides of Southampton. He was vice pres. of said “Southampton Tourist Guide Association”

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But Hythe Ferry doing tours starting in 1976, really? They had enough trouble getting ferries to run on time.

Yeah The Tourist Guide Association did a whole range of tours. My dad did the city walls , cellars and undercrofts, bus tours of the docks, junior school lectures. He kept all the kiddies thank you letters, he loved those especially…I still have them somewhere.

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I did a year doing admin for Soton City Council before going to Uni and part of the job meant I got to see all of the “hidden sights” your dad would have seen. Bloody brilliant and I’m sure your dad would have said likewise


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Quite liked this:

Probably only @PhilippineSaint will like the pictures, but you’ll all love the narration


(I’m having a nostalgia evening btw)

Very good Cobham,

But I cant believe that real Indians ate in the Dysentery Indian Restaurant :slight_smile:

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Not twice guaranteed

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Yeah…I’ve been in the undercrofts a few times in the evening, just me and my dad…spooky. :lou_lol:

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Sun, frost, ice this morning…before the snow sets in. Emer Bog Wildlife Reserve.


That looks as cold as my office - cos the fecking heating has gone kaput again

Yep it was -2c this morning when I set out. A positively balmy +2 when a snow flurry caught me just before I got back home.

Crowd at The Dell

@lifeintheslowlane front and centre with schoolboy hat on.

The number of hats and moustaches though!


Oh how little you know. Yes I was there…we beat the toffee’s 3 - 1 and I still have the VHS tape of the game. I was filming it, stood behind the tripod. You can always tell which one I am as I always wore a cap.


Not sure if anyone has posted it before but may be of interest to at least someone who remembers when Southampton was in black and white.

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Have no idea why it did that - apart from me being a technofucktard…