:gov: Jizz In A Truss is the Prime Minister

Whoever it is we’ll know by 12:30 tomorrow, or should do.

I can help with setting up Companies in Poland so you can get Visas


Different leader, same old shit :roll_eyes:


Not for long.
The Fail is whitewashing everything and plotting THE RETURN OF BORIS

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And this


As mentioned in previous thread.

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Oh mate. I have an excuse
The Fail App is free.
You have no excuse to read the Fail

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Well neither of them can be as bad as Boris

Whoever wins will be getting a shitty hand to play - it would almost be tempting to call a GE, lose and then say go on Kier get us out of this dung pile

I’m no fan of Johnson, and as I’ve said before I was absolutely appalled when it became clear he was heading for Downing Street as the only viable option left. My first reaction the day May resigned was to post a gag on Sicki suggesting the yanks could breathe easy as they’d no longer have the world’s most ridiculous premier.

But the unintended irony of the above is quite staggering in the light of events during his tenancy, and for that matter the job he took on in the first place even before covid.

Yeah, but one largely created by the Tories (ok, they didn’t create covid, but the management of it was poor)

If I was any other party I would swerve the opportunity to have to dig the UK out of a mess that wasn’t of their own making.


Not sure they created the energy crisis or inflation either - it is kicking the arse out of everyone in Europe right now


Kier might just do that yet - but not because he wants to

Which means nobody will solve it in the UK no matter who is in charge.
Its gonna get worse and they will run out of sticking plasters pdq.

Stock up on Olive Oil, Cooking Oil and Corn flour. I’d recommend buying a generator or at least a long run time UPS (Battery Back up) then fill the freezer

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: :fire: :moneybag: Energy costs

Who won?
Or has it gone to penalties?

Has she fired the nukes yet?


Lol. Thick as mince.