šŸ‡®šŸ‡± Israel

The Koch bros have been funding the republicans for years. Paul Ryan has just retired, having served his purpose on a multi million dollar pension. He delivered the tax cuts and gutted health provisions for millions of Americans.

A non western view. Part of the game as @saintbristol said.

I wonder if anyone will gain control before methane does for us all?

Still, look on the bright side. Burning all that energy can only accelerate the process :lou_facepalm_2:

We really are fucking stupid.

I really think we overcome the energy/climate change issue. Renewables are becoming so cheap. Despite Trump, Solar. In this country wind and tidal energy is cheaper than fossils already. Methane is a big issue, only if we reach that tipping point to bring that into effect. The major effect will be lab grown meat. The amount of ebergy we use to feed animals and strip land. No oneā€™s going to give up there burgers etc.

Lab grown meat sounds crazy, but itā€™s already copyrighted :laughing: Using dna from mushrooms


Renewables are becoming so cheap. Despite Trump, Solar.

Renewables are not cheap, have a short life, use resources on a massive scale, can only replace electricity(18% of our total energy use(do the arithmetic)) and are intermittent, so you have to scale up by a factor of around 10(now do the arithmetic).

In this country wind and tidal energy is cheaper than fossils already.

Thatā€™s a lie in the long term and only supported in the short term by subsidies.

Have a look how much more copper is needed per kilowatt for half the life span(1000x). Where will this come from? Itā€™s the same for all important metals.

Methane is a big issue, only if we reach that tipping point to bring that into effect.

We reached that point quite a while ago. No one told you yet?

The major effect will be lab grown meat. The amount of ebergy we use to feed animals and strip land. No oneā€™s going to give up there burgers etc.

Mysticism again. Thatā€™ll be the death of us.

Back to the thread. Do you think itā€™s ok for Israel to continually get away with committing genocide?

Mr Argument


Strange isnā€™t it. I read daily of the growing number of shootings, then jump over to our msm to read their reporting and opinions, but find nothing.

The only logical conclusion is that our leaders and media either fear, or willingly support the genocide of the apartheid terrorist state(thereā€™s a game there. How many derogatory words can you add to that before you become factually incorrect?),

As far as the percentage of people killed is concerned, they knew which ones were going to die before they pulled the trigger. The surprisingly high number of disabling shots(with dumb-dumb bullets, just to be sure) surely proves that.

How can any government that is not a) backward heathens, b) fucking stupid, c) immoral, d) in collusion, fail to condemn and at the very least, fully sanction such pure evil? I say humanitarian bomb the fuck out of the evil cunts myself.

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What do you propose? Intervention by the west in the middle east has never fared well, we should stay out? Or do what?

Why have we forgotten Africa?

What particular part of Africa are you thinking?

Read the my last sentence for the answer and just think how many humanitarian bombs we would have if we stopped using them on all the ā€œnon compliantā€ Arab countries. Might even have a few spare to stop Saudi Arabias genocide in Yemen(why have you forgotten Yemen?).

You would like to stop genocide wouldnā€™t you?

Oooh look, a squirrel.

Talked about it quite on here if you look, of course Iā€™d like to stop but how do you stop it without offending? Boots on the ground, do you think Sunni and Shia will abide by western laws on stopping? Youā€™re thinking in a western way, do you think China cares about western thoughts on Tibet?

How about we impose international law? Condemn rogue states?

Condemnation doesnā€™t really concern regimes that do bad things, they donā€™t give a shit about them in fact.

I think @barry-sanchez comment after yours pretty much sums up why we donā€™t impose international law @goatboy

Besides, the U.K. has done / is doing enough dubious and outright illegal things that the UK should by rights be banged up in the slammer. Wo

Its frankly naive to think telling someong off who is killing loads of internal enemies is going to react, the only way and snowflakes donā€™t like it is boots on the ground, the realists also know this is crap as they go back to hating each other or living parallel lives with simmering resentment until it once again boils over, western arrogance genuinely believes we can fix things by talking about them, load of bollocks.

Either occupy, control and keep factions apart or leave them alone.

Cake and eat it.