Is this racist?

A caveat of convenience and being scared to actually confront cultures and practices is what that is.
That sums up a liberal, a bending of the rules is fine by them or a hiding of it.

To many different messages/arguments Bazza… you need to try and differentiate… there is a HUGE difference between tolerance of those wishing to lead their lives with respect to what makes them happy vs being comfortable in challenging aspects of religion, or culture, that we see as in effect intolerant within a modern society… Racists and bigots find it easy as they just rush all guns blazing only to be act surprised when those confronted, retreat even further into cultural roots and ideology (a natural defence and safe harbour) - the dare I say it, more enlightened/educated, recognise that the only way to help cultural evolution is to first respect, debate and slowly reeducate - the hint is in the word ‘evolution’ - its a slow process, just as our own culture has evolved slowly… it took us until the 1960s to remove the illegality of homosexuality… and that was within a secular society, expecting that shift to happen quickly in one of embedded faith is at best naive… to lump it all together as some sort of liberalist, elitist nonsense just makes you look a bit of a plumb (although I know its all for show to press a few ‘liberal’ buttons)

The problem are the greedy and the impatient - the greedy for not giving a fuck about anyone but themselves, and the impatient for not understanding that cultural evolution doe not happen overnight no matter how morally justified the desired outcome is…

How much re education have you done?

You know that sounds white, arrogant and aloof?

Point out a wrong and thats it, cultures develop and evolve not stagnate,

Fundamentalist will change hey?

They’ll only change (men) when women are fully, rightly are totally empowered.

Really? :rofl: anyway, need to work so more fun later

I understand enough to know you’re whistling in the wind and have nothing other than hope in your armoury.

I have 1400 years of history.

Women are subjugated because they hold the key to power.

Quoi le fuck?

Looking good still Barry. You must moisturise a lot.


I do, thank you, care to add anything SOS or staying away from this one?

I don’t moisturise, so not a big opinion about it, but using boot polish would be wrong.

I agree.

The classical liberal is dead and buried, killed by the new modern illiberal liberal.

Intersectional feminism is basically the recognition that previous feminist thought often only worked for white middle-class feminists. So e.g. once white women started getting boardroom jobs they thought the battle was won. Intersectional feminism is about recognising where inequality around gender intersects with inequality around sexuality, race, etc. How these are all essentially the same battle.

Basically, to quote Bazza, it’s “feminist[s]… hav[ing] the courage to tackle discrimination in all groups as opposed to solely one”

They don’t though as they’re scared of being labelled racist.
They do make me chuckle.

I reckon, Baz, that you:

a) are on the perpetual wind-up
b) never do anything to better the cause of anyone worse off
c) think politics is a point-scoring endeavour not a means to a better society

These are the reasons why I usually don’t engage with you.

You’re just chucking words out with no reference or back-up or meaning attached.

Who are the intersectional feminists that you know who don’t engage with race? Most of the ones I know are women of colour. Of course they engage over race.

Who are these ‘liberals’ you keep fulminating against? Can you even give a working definition of what ‘liberal’ means in a British political context?

Can you do anything in a political conversation other than be brusque and dismissive of anyone trying to make a better society?

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I think it’s all about intent, i seriously doubt that the guy on the tube who dressed up as a character from Pulp Fiction did it because he is a racist. Probably guilty of no more than being a bit naive, he should have expected the reaction he got from some people. The clip Bazza posted from the film White Chicks is an interesting one though, just imagine the furore if a couple of white actors blacked up to portray two black women as stereotypical airheads. It wouldn’t have got past the censors and the actors would probably never have worked again. It all does seem a bit one sided. Another thing i have noticed is that every year at Christmas time we have the usual uproar from some quarters about nativity plays at kiddies schools being discriminatory against Muslims, Sikhs etc. On more than a few occasions they are banned from some schools. In just about every case it is never the said Muslims, Sikhs etc who complain, they don’t give a damn. The people complaining are almost always white Christians, complaining on their behalf. Professional complainers, desperately wanting to appear ‘right on’ and politically correct. Bazza would call them liberals but they aren’t really, they give true liberals a bad name.

Years ago when i worked at Southampton General Hospital a good mate was going out with a medical secretary, a stunningly beautiful black girl, a real head turner. You wouldn’t believe the racism and outright hostility they both sometimes received when they were out and about. But almost exclusively from the black community, not white. These things are never as straightforward as the ‘right on’ brigade would have you believe.

Barry, can you leave at least a day’s grace before regurgitating whatever spew you’ve eaten on your alt right sites?

There’s a love.

I’m not the one throwing out accusations, a well known fact is liberals are afraid fo questioning ethnic minorities on cultural behaviours.
Thats a fact.
Feminists also are afraid of this.

Its an uncomfortable truth but a truth none the less.

I think we all want a better society, you want compromise and compromise isn’t something a fundamentalist of any religious affiliation is prepared to give (the clue is in the name), I don’t accept any of that in my life and a light should be shone upon anyone who accepts it.

Tolerance isn’t acceptance.

Pap, be a love and realise this isn’t alt/right, its common sense.


Only English white males can be racist.

No one else, they don’t exist…