:metoo: Harvey Weinstein


Poor old Harvey says he wants people to cut him some slack and give him a second chance, ā€œwe all make mistakesā€. He is ill, suffering from sex addiction. Itā€™s an illness donā€™t you know, so he has checked into a $40k a month clinic to receive treatment. What a load of bollocks. Sex addiction my arse, that is just a cop out. He is just a randy old goat with the power to make or break careers, who uses this power to bully and sexually abuse vulnerable young actresses. A vile human being. Strange how the sufferers from this awful disease of ā€˜sex addictionā€™ are all wealthy powerful men, film stars, moguls, rock musicians etc. Not too many road sweepers, dustmen, Macdonalds burger flippers etc seem to get struck down with this awful disease. Funny that!


I could be a sex addict but my company medical scheme does not cover me for any sexually transmitted diseases and I am pretty certain that would include addiction to sex so checking into a 40k a month clinic is never going to happen.

He should get married, itā€™s the cold turkey for sex addiction :lou_smiley:


Easier to tell the missus that you have an addiction than to tell her that you just like shagging other women


I have a Thorpe Park pass for 4.

About 7pm ok for you big boy?

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He does seem a bit obsessed with birds watching him shower. Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s one of my triggers. If anything, I would prefer it the other way round.


Ok, Iā€™ll bite. What has liberal tolerance got anythin to do with this exactly?

Yikes, SOG, itā€™s the ā€œliberal toleranceā€ phrase that pushes you over the edge and makes you bite. In amongst all the ā€œThis is less about Hollywood and more about the things that people will generally do to secure or maintain their positions in hard-to-get-into industries.ā€, ā€œBut let us not forget there are predators on both sides of the fence - those that use that tool to get up the ladder as much as those at the top who abuse their position like Harveyā€, ā€œI donā€™t know the real facts though I suspect there continues to be many women willing to do anything to get fame and fortune but unfortunately fat rich influential men who will take advantage of that.ā€ commentary


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Oh, andā€¦ just a thought on all the ā€œwhy didnā€™t they say anything at the timeā€ comments (and I mean no big judgement on this, weā€™re all on a journey of understanding, and itā€™s inevitable blokes will relate better to blokes, and the narrative around female stars doing what it takes to get to the top is so ingrained itā€™s hard to see beyond itā€¦)

butā€¦ if something like this had happened to me, no question whatsoever - seriously no doubt in my mind, that I wouldnā€™t have reported it. Particularly because I know, the quotes in my post above, are what people would really think.


Woooooaaah there Lou. I recognise a comment of mine youā€™ve cut and pasted into your pick and mix of chosen quotes. Do me the courtesy of using the whole post so itā€™s in the actual context.


The bloke is clearly a massive tool and deserves some kind of comeuppance - not really sure how itā€™s made headline news around the world for the last week though.

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Well, Cobs, I took your post on face value, and it seemed to follow a common theme Iā€™ve read on many a comment since this story broke: why has this story broken now, there must be more to it than meets the eye, women are prepared to do anything to get fame. BUT, not that Iā€™m condoning it in any way.

Thats what I took from the whole post, not just the quote. And a few others on here.

If Iā€™ve misread your post, then please do explain. But I donā€™t think what youā€™ve written is uncommon (and itā€™s definitely not a personal attack on you). I just canā€™t fathom how people respond in this way. Is it suspicion about women? Or disdain towards celebrity women? I donā€™t know. But thatā€™s how it comes across to me. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong.

Fair comments Lou. I certainly donā€™t condone any sort of actions that belittles women or any sort of abuse, sexual or otherwise.

I am however intrigued why this story broke when it did and surprised by what can be argued (rightly or wrongly) has been a mass condemnation via the media. Whatā€™s the backstory? Does anyone know? Maybe I missed it.

As Iā€™ve said elsewhere, if someone is accused of something then go through due process, donā€™t hang someone out to dry via trial by mass media. Itā€™s unedifying and to me seems to be the modern equivalent of mob rule

My comment about some women doing anything to get fame and fortune could I guess be equally applied to males - though I would assume far fewer tbf. By making the comment I wasnā€™t referring to women in general, but simply suggesting that perhaps people desperate cor fortune and fame (including blokes) donā€™t think the same way as you or I and end up in bad situations

Abuse of any sort along with bullying and intimidation of people, male or female, is unacceptable and anyone responsible needs to be called to account - preferably via legal avenuesā€¦

Anyway, Iā€™m sorry if my original post offended.

I think the story was originally written by NY Times reporters Jodi Kantor and Meghan Twohey. As more of a look at how Hollywood execs exploit women. It snowballed from there.

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You didnā€™t offend Cobs, and I appreciate your response. And I donā€™t for a minute think you would condone these actions. But it is the common narrative - and the thinking beneath the surface - to question the motivations, rather than assuming the women coming forward are genuine. I find that hard to understand, because to me the situation seems completely expected and very easy to imagine why people stayed quiet. That a few people on here responded in the same way as you did, and that people seemed more frustrated about Barryā€™s slight on Liberalism (!) says a lot to me about default suspicions.

I do agree the ever expanding witch hunt is unedifiable (and much of it hypocritical). But for Weinstein, this was probably the only way it could actually cause change. So we have the media to thank for that at least.


Because when it comes down to it, sex sells. Ironic really.

I wrote a whole thing about this last night and somehow deleted it.

1 - why didnā€™t any one report it at the time?

From experience you just donā€™t think anyone will take any notice. On the feminism thread I listed a few harrassments Iā€™ve been at the end of. I didnā€™t report it because they seemed small incidents that wouldnā€™t be pursued. It is also the power imbalance on this one. He was massively powerful man, he had a lot of money / connections. Ex Dawson Creek star actually puts it quite well ā€œI understand the unwarranted shame, powerlessness & inability to blow the whistle. Thereā€™s a power dynamic that feels impossible to overcomeā€.


2 - are some of these women making it up for cash/fame?

The number of women who make false allegations of sexual assault/abuse are tiny. But we have a narrative (that some of my female colleagues sadly believe) that there are sooooo many women who do this. This narrative helps keep us women quiet and donā€™t want to report anything.

Iā€™ve been a bit uncomfortable about some of the comments about women who will do anything to become famous. If I remember right there was a link about the young men who have also been abused in Hollywood.

Why itā€™s come up now? Who knows. I am sure there are others who are doing the same. Iā€™ve just been reading about all the allegations against Terry Richardson, photographer. Thereā€™s been previous concerns about Roman Polanski and Woody Allen. Thandie Newton spoke last year about a director abusing her.


Yes these are all allegations and itā€™s unlikely that heā€™ll see jail time from what I am reading. Historical allegations are much harder to pursue arenā€™t they?


Bit confused by Paps comment tbf went off into not liking a journalist.

Barry once again spouted some utter shit.


Lou, you know the problem is more ingrained(not you Cob, rather society).

Women are always going to be desirable to men, so until men can stop their desire leading their thinking(or God forbid, women holding the top jobs), it should be looked at for what it really is. People(men) in power demanding bribes to give someone a job. Then in some weird way men blame women, because itā€™s a bribe they donā€™t have, so canā€™t compete(she only got the promotion becauseā€¦). Never once considering, more often than not, the woman never offered any bribe(just because you have a desirable body, does not mean you are offering it up as a bribe).

The person demanding the bribe is always in the wrong, so you have to question why people look for something else. The question that really needs answering is why so many people in powerful positions are like this.


Itā€™s pretty much systemic in the entertainment industry, not just movies but TV. Itā€™s a cultural problem and itā€™s awful. The reason these allegations have happened now is women have been given the confidence to come forward. Thereā€™s no real difference between Weinstein and Saville. They both used their positions to exploit and sexually abuse.