Glastonbury 2016

Could you conceivably get three more middle class headliners?


Ha, beat me to it Intiniki.

There is a suspicious hole in their touring calendar around the end of June, too.

I’ll be trying for Roundhouse (still never actually seen them and would like to see one of their gigs before a festival show), and seeing them at Primavera in between those shows and Glasto.

Would still be pretty surprised if it was them (still think it will be Adele, tbh).

The efestivals page on Radiohead tour makes for some pretty hilarious reading. Some selected personal favourites:

Maybe they’ll sub Adele

They are big fans of New Order, maybe they will sub them to build up for a legendary night on the other

They might play West Holts, no one though Bryan Ferry would play on there

Maybe they’ll play the ‘naughty corner’, that’s where Thom spends most of his time any way. I can see them playing the Hell Stage 1-3am

(in reply to ^^) Yeah actually, Emily did say that’s what they are looking to move towards

_Maybe that is why they moved John Peel. It could be to increase capacity so they can attract bigger bands that want to keep that indoor feel. _

Top bants you guys.

I saw Radiohead on the Park stage for their “secret set” a few years ago. Stood in drizzle. At Reading Festival and also O2 (Pierce Brosnan and Aaron Paul a few rows in front of us).

I really don’t need to see them again. So other half will be going on his own to any Roundhouse gig.

Originally posted by @Intiniki

I saw Radiohead on the Park stage for their “secret set” a few years ago.

The reason they stopped doing secret sets at Glasto. With everyone on smart phones now, it is impossible to do secret sets. Everyone always knows who they are way before. It draws crowds unsafe for the stages. The only really ‘big’ band (I mean potential headliner) to have done a secret set since then were The Libertines last year.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love Radiohead to play, but I just don’t see it this year.

So other half will be going on his own to any Roundhouse gig.

If he gets tickets, and needs a +1…

I’ll keep you in mind. :slight_smile:

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I went to see Radiohead in 2011 at their “secret” set (worst kept secret ever) and the place was so busy that I felt a bit unsafe being in the crowd - the Park area is incredibly confined. We ended up trekking halfway up the Park hill where a small group of people were mucking about in the mud. Over the course of Radiohead’s set, as more people escaped the crowd onto higher ground, this happened…

Btw my friend is the blonde girl at approx 3min. She didn’t stop complaining for the rest of the day after that…no wonder! Great fun though.

So KRG is right. Adele has announced she is Saturday night headliner. Ah well.

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she’s not my cup of tea, and I’m 99% sure I won’t see her. But, I get her as a booking. She is arguably the biggest artist on the planet. She is well worthy of that slot, I’d argue more so than the other two.

Personally have no issue with her, even though I can’t stand her music.

Oh Well, there’ll be plenty else to do.

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I put her in my “Leonard Cohen category” KRG.

1 Never in my life gonna buy an album of hers (even if I bought albums!)

2 Find the music depressing and downbeat

3 Will take all measures to find someone else to watch yet will still find myself drawn to the Pyramid and will still find myself going OMG

Yes I know she is an amazing talent with an amazing voice, I know that I’ll get goosebumbs while watching her sing some of her greatest hits and I know it will be a special Glasto night in the same way Leonard was several years ago.

Hallelujah, Sweet Caroline, One Day like this, Joelene, The RIver will no doubt be joined by Someone like you and become ingrained as a magical moment; and even if it isn’t raining, the field will be churned to mud from all the people crying their eyes out while she sings

(I will still be screaming in anger IF she clashes with New Order though)


The missus is very happy about Adele headlining. I’m probably in the same sort of camp as Phil. I know she’s decent, but she’s never really been my cup of tea. I will start to go through some more of Muse’s back catalogue - listened to Origin of Symmetry back in the day.

I don’t really want to learn Coldplay just so I can enjoy them. I can see myself away from the Pyramid on 2 out of the 3 musical nights, and a reverse of the Metallica tension from last time out. I was the only person that wanted to see them; no-one else did. I’ll be the only one not especially arsed about Adele.

Great we have a female headliner.

But I am not fussed by her either. As I have worked at one of her gigs and heard her from the cloakroom I can tick her off my list. I may walk by for a song but I won’t be making sure I have a good spot.

Now, working at a gig, that’s when you do keep your badge on - there’s a time and place!

We had no name badges there :slight_smile:

ouch. Find it quite amusing that people thought this was more entertaining than Radiohead. They were right. I was stuck in that Park area watching in the drizzle.

This was my view. I spent most of the time people watching instead.

James to open

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I absolutely love Radiohead but from where we could get to, the sound quality was absolutely awful and you couldn’t move an inch. Real shame.

Originally posted by @KRG

James to open

Glad I didn’t pay £40 to see them here 3 weeks ago then.

One of my Karaoke classics ticked off then!