Getting logged out all the time

Logged out?

Life? Don’t talk to me about life. I’ve been logged out for 25 million years, does anyone ever ask me if I’m logged in?

Booblies!!! :laughing:

Just trying to sneak one past Lou.

fail! :wink:

Meh - just had to log in yet again

yeah me too i done a post + then i done another post and papsweb said no tks, try again

Yup. Me too. Thanks for the reports, guys. This will really help in working out what is going on, timewise.

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Without wanting to tempt fate, I’ve been logged in on two devices for over 24 hours now. Anyone had any problems today?

Nah, just got logged out again.

And me.

Me too.

Ditto, and this time I had to enter my user id and password too.

Logged me out and on other pc at work it won’t let me log on just keeps reverting back as if I need to log on, a tad annoying.

me too :slight_frown:Maybe it’s the shit smilies protesting?

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Me too. I bet someone tempted fate.


I am not bothered, if it logs me out while I’m out for the day. It is when it does it while flicking around the site. Then I go to post and have to sign in, which takes me back to the home page, which means I have to find the thread and point that I wanted to comment on the thread.

Also surely you should get logged out without activity, or it will not give a ‘true’ reflection of who is online at the bottom right. Ok they maybe online, but not have been active for days!

Just got logged out through ten mins of inactivity.

I got logged out too.

I’m always getting logged out. Also, it says “log on” but I think it should say “log in”. I know this isn’t top of your list of priorities bit of you could amend it within the week I think that would be acceptable.

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Yeah, I’m still getting logged out loads. Browser & mobile.

Me too