šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ German far right on the rise

More a stream-of-unconsciousness though?



Like Putin, unless Bazza is confronted heā€™ll just continue to expand to other threads. If you tie him down in one or two heā€™ll expend all his energies on those and leave all the others alone. While Iā€™ve failed to get an answer to what was a fairly simple question to him, I take some small comfort in annoying and frustrating him of an evening.


How come in the translate to English there is no Baz option

this could save a lot of grief :lou_lol:


I think a lot of Sotonians find this usefulā€¦ English to Baz Translation Service


Bookmarked for future use cheers LITSL


This is precisely why I started the Bazford English Dictionary

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The Baz 1988 is presently down for servicing.

The unit comes with a flip top head with a hinge on the neck. When in the flipped position, the end of an industrial waste chute can be attached to the unit, to provide it with sustenance.

Mrs Baz is presently on the roof of their house at the other end of this chute, pouring red meat, nonsense and the complete series of Three of a Kind into it.

After reaching a minimum safe distance of two miles, she will remotely activate the Baz 1988 unit and pray silently for humanity.


Donā€™t wake him yet, whatever you do. He blow a gasket.

Londoners selling up in record numbers to move north

Just 30,000 liberals moving North, we can handle that up here.

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Thatā€™s just the first half of 2018. On the increase for a while. 1 in 5 of rhose selling up now heading north and inflating house prices up there.

I hope they move to Dewsbury, Oldham and Rochdale, maybe theyā€™d get experience of what they preach about multiculturalism, its a little bit different to North Londonā€¦

Barry demonstrating he knows fuck all about London again.

Thereā€™s definitely not any immigration here, never has been.

Just like thereā€™s no poverty or hardship here.

Oh, and dispelling any myths he judges people based on where they are from.

Very good.


Youā€™re just a white, straight male like the rest of you London bigots.

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Someone selling their London house to move someone cheaper is poor?

Have a word son.

White flight so Felicity and Rupert can get on the housing ladder, Cheltenham is North, right?

Too easy

I forgot bigot was an exclusive white wordā€¦

Bollocks Barry, Bristow was every bit Leighton Reesā€™ equal. No contest. You havenā€™t a clue.

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Donā€™t forget John Loweā€™s significant role in that legendary arrers trinity.


Big Cliff Lazarenko was there as well