📽 Films I have seen

You’re so right. I apologise. I remember when you told me that after watching Ghost for the 19th time you realised Patrick Swayze was in fact the ghost in it and you told me. Any intent I had to watch it died in that moment.

It’s a great film and one of the main reasons I boughtal a potter’s wheel…

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Patrick was a really cool Dude in real life. RIP

Best Patrick Swayze film ever was Roadhouse, fact…


I thought Mrs Bletch bought it for her and her “ghost” :man_shrugging:

You know BTripz I thought you’d be bigger


I think the original films were some kind of alchemy. Lucas had the right people around him to save him from himself. He’s an ideas man, and you’ve got to say after seeing those recent movies, those ideas are missed.

Whatever you might want to say about the prequels, George did not rest on his laurels in trying to carve out new bits of the universe. Sure, some of the locations were a bit video-game level, but I thought Coruscant looked excellent and I also really liked the planet where they made the clones.

Absent someone like him, it becomes a box-ticking exercise, fan service, as these last three films have shown, and there’s little vision. People, including myself, hated the Last Jedi. In hindsight, it’s probably the best of the three. Some really stupid moments, but out of all three of them, it’s the only one that doesn’t feel like a retread.

That last film was just offensive. Worse than Into Darkness. At least that shit on Wrath of Khan in a different timeline. This is canon, good lord.


Cheapskate! I bought Demi Moore.

Cost me a million quid though.


Last Jedi is definitely the best of the new three.
The first one is a competently made retread. Last Jedi is clearly made by the best film maker the new ones have had. I liked it, but I can see why it alienated fans. The newest one is just a dumpster fire from start to finish, some fantastic cgi effects work though; the prequels look so ropey in that respect now. Oscar Isaac spends the whole film clearly wishing he’d been killed off in Force Awakens as per the original script.

I liked rogue one and solo more than any of them, although I haven’t seen either again since the cinema.


Bloody hell. I never realized Dennis Healey was in Dune.

A whole planet of Gingers?

David Lynch’s vision for Dune was so far ahead of it’s time people were not ready for it, and neither were the studio who wanted a messiah like ending that deviated wildly from the novel. I’m hoping Denis Villneuve gets the backing he needs to make a real go of the next adaptation, you could easily make a trilogy of Lord of the Rings proportions from the first novel.

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It is so “wooden” I can kind of get the vision this time round but it is a hard watch, which is why I’m bite sizing it.

It deserves to be made properly with a big enough canvas.

If David Lynch had proper backing and time I am convinced it would have been a cinematic masterpiece. The ensemble cast was near perfect, but the scale of the project was hampered throughout from ‘studio’ interference and the film never achieved it’s true potential.


As they say on Twitter… He isn’t going to shag you :roll_eyes:

EDIT: I mean Lynch, not Phil. Phil will probably shag you.


I’ll remember that the next time you’re spunking off about mac de marco.

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One upon a time in Hollywood.

Well that was an interesting ending😳

If I ever move to Hollywood … I’m getting myself that dog!..

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You’ve made an enemy tonight, Gav. A very powerful enemy.

You’ll need to be more specific, are we talking skeletor powerful, thanos powerful or grotbags powerful?


More powerful than your daddies balls. That’s how powerful.

I need some perspective, how powerful were my daddies balls on your chin? Did your chin survive?