
Wonderful, inspirational video that shows just how important it is to input the values of the West into these developing countries so that they may succeed and prosper. I approve wholeheartedly.

So back to that debate on Radio5 I was listening to.

It featured comments from women that were already part of other minorities. One of my other favourite quotes from the show was “I’m too busy being black to be feminist”. Others expressed the view that white working class women just didn’t have the bandwidth to pursue feminism, the day to day hand to mouth tribulations of life getting in the way.

That’s why I think there’s a great deal of merit in the quote I listed as my favourite. “Feminism. Because rich white girls need to feel oppressed too”.

To me it’s an example of how educated folk can get too bound up in socio-cultural issues, when the majority of those they’re attempting to educate really need socio-economic reform.

In short, how’s about taking a proper crack at feminism once we’ve contrived a way for all people to eat and feel secure?


Thanks for posting @intiniki

Don’t know if this has been posted before, but this bloke nails it.

Unbelievable, even for you. You really are stuck in a 70s time warp aren’t you?

What a fucking smug wanker that bloke is.


What a couple of pussies.

You talking about your cats? Yep, they probably are pussies but I’m not sure how that’s relevant to this thread

Your era is over, sunny boy. Enjoy the last desperate remnants of it in the Daily Mail while it lasts! :lou_smiley:


Lol. Good to know where Pap stands!

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I’m the original feminist. Want chicks to be treated like blokes, they didn’t burn their bras to be wrapped in cotton wool. It’s your snowflake generation that are harming equality. You’ll be insisting on chaperones & safe spaces next.

From where I’m standing it’s the men at the moment behaving like wounded ego snowflakes…

What’s wrong with me touching her thigh? It’s in my biology to need to wank in a potted plant. Sob sob.



Just to clarify if I am on my own and it’s my potted plant there’s nothing wrong with that right? Asking for a friend.


First question. When did everyone start using folk around here?

Women cannot be lumped into one group and there will be different issues going on for each one of us. We see that there are different Feminist groups. To assume that all Black people will have the same experience or all Disabled people will have the same experience is discriminatory. So yes there will be women who don’t agree with Feminism or who feel they need to pursue their specific issue first and they can do that.

I agree poverty will get in the way for any minority group to be able to fight and challenge because they have far too many pressing things to be getting on with. I am not sure I agree with there being a great deal of merit in the “Feminism. Because rich white girls need to feel oppressed too” quote. Maybe some, a litle bit. Rich white girls can be assaulted, harrassed and be victims of domestic abuse too it’s not just kept for poor women. We just don’t hear about it as much.

I am not sure that we can stop and wait for other things to catch up. From my understanding Feminism wants to have political, economic, personal, and social equality to include educational and professional opportunities for women on parity to men. This would help raise all women up a bit. Isn’t that better than just leaving them where they are whilst we try and sort out the rest?

If it wasn’t for the suffragettes (made up of upper and middle class women) fighting for women to be able to vote as men we may have waited a long time.

With my social work hat on I try and use anti-oppressive practice which may be easier for people to get on board with (it’s not got fem in). This looks at ending socioeconomic oppression and looking at the power imbalance in organisational structures within sociocultural and political contexts. We want to have equal rights and people to be free from any oppression from dominant groups


What’s “the men”, don’t you mean a tiny minorty of men. If I said it’s the women who are shagging blokes when polluted and then making out they were raped, I’m sure you’d be appalled at such a generalisation. See that’s the problem with feminism, it’s become anti men and lumps us all in together. I treat birds as individuals, they’re are nice ones, evil ones, ugly ones, fat ones , thin ones, arrogant ones, nervous one, exactly like blokes.

This touching thigh nonsense is all over blown. If its part of a blokes pulling technique, and he doesn’t do it again once she says no, what’s the big deal? Personally , I wouldn’t do it, but being touchy-feely can be part of the flirting game. It works both ways, way back when I was single the occasional chick got touchy feely with me, it’s a sign your in, not a sexual assault. The real feminist chicks couldn’t give a shiny Shiite if a bloke touched their thigh , anymore than a bloke gives a shit if a women touches their thigh. That’s equality. I drink in a gay bar (and I’m not one, they just have great real ale). If a Nigel touched my thigh, I’d tell him to fuck off before I knock him out, I wouldn’t go crying to the papers or be traumatised 6 years later.

Don’t be such a fucking wuss - it’s pathetic. “Oh woe is me. Think of the men…”

you’re such a snowflake, it’s untrue. Man up and stop complaining you wuss bag.

Good bantz , you must be a great laugh in the ale house


Don’t take offence, but are you mentally deficient in some way?


Based on his views, and use of language, I’m guessing Duckie is probably in his 70s (ale house lol). He’s the Sotonians version of the elderly relative who turns up at Christmas and sits in the corner being embarrassingly racist and mysoginist…