
He’s probably too intimidated to say anything you’d disagree with anyway


Oh he does say things I disagree with. Trying to get him to agree on spending money is a challenge.

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Well, it’s nice to know we live in a nice, liberated country where women are treated equally in the workplace.

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I was listen to something the other day where someone was saying bout whenever sex is transactional in nature, it is a Sexual Assault and is not the same as Consent. He was talking I suppose about the Weinstein situation, but it made me feel bad.

I feel like a lot of the sex I’ve had is transactional in nature. I feel like our starting positions are different! I need a reason not to have sex, whereas my birds is need a reason to have sex. We’re diammetrically opposed! I mean, lot of time I get the impression I’m only getting the Sex cos she is wanting to keep me interested, or happy, or as thankyou for nice dinner, or whatever. Mate of mine was telling me he only gets the sex once a month now, cos her reason for having sex, i.e. to get baby, is now Moot, cos they’ve got one.

If we’re gonna start only having sex when the bird is Genuinely Horny, then I feel like I’m not gonna be getting a whole lot of sex . That’s what I’m saying. I wonder if there is any truth in it, or if it is just more that I am naturally Repulsive. Is your birds jumping you all the time, or is it more grudging + sporadic submission? And is that Natural do you think, or result of Society Influence + Hollywood portrayal of Gender Roles?


Chap at work sexually harrased a couple of secretaries by texting them a picture of his prince albert.

They promptly sexually harrased him back by emailing it around the company.

He had the audacity to complain!!!

He left quite soon afterwards


One of my students was talking to me about guys sending her pics of their cocks. She simply rolled her eyes. She knows what we all know. Men are fucking idiots.


Have you stopped now?


Your Mrs can’t keep her hands off me bear. Have you tried changing your cologne?


Meh, define ‘harrassment’.

I have a very tough time believing that ‘harrassment’ in this context can really mean anything particularly bad. Anyone making any sort of approach towards women in any job I’ve been in would be fired into space. Sounds like one of those surveys saying 20% of women have been raped or some such nonsense.

“Have you ever heard someone make an inappropriate comment or joke at work”

not in the last 30 secs, no but this is a quiet day for that.


Women don’t know the half of it. I don’t suppose I ever go a full hour without having an innappropriate sexual thought about the women I work with.

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Roll forward 15 years.

Mr Tambourine has been a Tory MP for 2 short years.

Mr Tangerine is happy with his lot; after all, he’s earning 60K and…well nothing else matters really does it.

But hold on, some nasty lefty has just emailed The Socialist Worker with a link to this post.

There is uproar and Mr Tourmaline is mercilessly hounded out of office by PC liberals.

That’s harassment.


Is PC Liberals leading the enquiry into his behaviour?


So what do you do when a client asks you to find them someone you is female, size 12 or under and preferably blonde. (true request, in today)

Take the moral high ground and refuse the assignment ?

eagerly anticipate of the inteviews you will conduct on the clients behalf?

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Really interesting discussion here between Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson on feminism.

I didn’t know you was in that game. Can you get me one too pls

Do dating agencies still exist? I mean like the olden time’s ones, only fools and horses type or is it just a cover for high-class hookers now?

Please send price list CB including discount for Soviet overlords. Good discount = guaranteed no guesting for 12 months.

What kind of job is it for?

Because in all honesty I’m very sceptical that any major business in a corporate setting would ask for those ‘specifics’ for fear of being outed to the press. There’d be a PR shitstorm and they’d go busto quicker than you can say ‘HuffPo’.

Fighter Pilot Armaments Officer…someone who looks like the young Kelly McGillis should do.

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