đŸ‡ŸđŸ‡Ș Don't mention Yemen

Also our maintenance contract for Saudi planes is unaffected.

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But we’re saving British jobs!

The more you think about it, the more a headfuck that point is.

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There are a whole stack of MPs who are trying to work out the consequences of saying that
popularist vote winner or oh shit what have I said.

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And just think of all the tax revenues that are earned by the workers fulfilling those contracts.

Oh wait

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It’s only really going to be a winner in places that have a war factory around.


Yay, that’s a step in the right direction.

It’ll be quite interesting to see how the Saudis get on. No support from the US on this one, oil prices have taken a tanking because the product is not in demand.

Guess they’ll just have to rely on their sterling international reputation.

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As good as Biden saying that is I suspect we’ll never know what actually happens on the ground and what missions the Saudi’s do that will have the consent but no acknowledgement from the US.
It is a positive for sure and with Biden pushing Putin in the Donbass and hopefully the Chinese in the South China Seas those regions nations can breathe easier at night I suspect.

Yeah, there are levels of support, that is true.

Let’s wait until the cash stops rolling into the military industrial complex before we paint the world peace banners, eh?

The US has a responsibility whether it likes it or not to be a force for good in the World, you can’t expect China or Russia to take that up, India isn’t anywhere near ready.

The next World War will happen if the US doesn’t protect the nations that surround China, their illegal Island building has really got that area looking for help and if the US doesn’t provide it then what China would do is anyone’s guess.

You can’t stop mentioning Russian and China.

It’s a tenuous link at best but I’ll entertain it, because it’s worth making the point. It was Russia that put the kibosh on new wars in the Middle East, not your hero Trump.

It was Russian intervention in Syria, being vocal in support but also crucially taking a chemical weapons stockpile off the board, negating the West’s entire reason to go in.

The Americans have known from that moment that they will not go unresisted in the Middle East anymore, and there will be more experienced hands around than whatever tinpot despot they used to like but don’t no more.

The sad thing is, they say this out loud. You seem to hear the bits where people are having a go at all the people you don’t like.

You’re utterly deaf to successive US administrations that have openly stated that they are pursuing policies of regime change.

The only reason they get away with it is because there are just enough hapless berks like you ready to tuck into any log laid out before you.


Because Trump the cunt pulled out of said theatre and gave Putin and Assad free reign which in turn allowed them to bomb, kill and maim 1000’s, all to allow a tyrant to rule a nation and another access to warm water.

Nice try.

Regime change?

Don’t be naive, that’s been going on for 1000’s of years. That’s a stupid and irrelevant argument as all nation states pursue that line, the question is who’ll benefit your nation and people more and will it help spread your nations ideology?
The Russians don’t pursue that policy (unless its on their doorstep ie Bulgaria, Belarus) as they simply are hired mercenaries and the Chinese buy influence and silence (Pacific and Africa).
If the US pull out of the Middle East who’ll fill the vacuum?

Don’t be soft and say everyone will get on alright, I won’t even reply to such wank.

Regime change is the act of deliberately acting as an aggressor to remove the sovereign and legally recognised government of another country.

When aggressive war is involved, you’re only really looking at genocide as a bigger crime against humanity.

Zoom in a little, entire towns being destroyed, family lines wiped out forever and because your stabilzin’ heroes in the US administration couldn’t get the war they wanted, they paid headchoppers and stuck a sword up Gaddafi’s arse.

If you support this on the ridiculous basis that Russia and China are going to be worse than what the US has managed recently, you’re a fucking moron.

The Sotonians lore that you only remember up to a certain year is clearly nonsense and will have to be revised.

You’re acting like an obsessed gun-nut in Trump Country, worried that whitey is going to lose it all. You hear what you want to, and nothing else.

I hope for sakes this is a gigantic wind-up and / or creative writing exercise. I would hate to think you go to bed each night with this in your bonce.

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Britain and BAE systems haven’t stopped providing their quite considerable support to the Saudis in Yemen yet.

Is this different to what was stated the other day? As I understood he had pledged to review new contracts with a view to cancelling future support, but that support based on existing supply contracts would continue. Hence practically not much would change.

It’s as immoral as it is unnecessary. It’s not really going to end until the extremists lose control of the Holy Sites.
The Saudi Arabian has Mecca and Medina, the fundamentalists currently calling themselves the Israeli government are in control of massive religious significance to all the Abrahamic religions.

It’s soft power neither deserves. That whole region needs to be a nominally secular bloc. That’s pretty much what it was the last time there was lasting peace in the region. I’m not suggesting a new Ottoman, but just being big enough so no one could fuck with them would be a start.

Everyone wants the mess in Yemen to stop.
At the same time only last week, a guided missile/drone was shot down over the centre of Riyadh.
Hopefully, defensive systems will still be supported. Nobody wants to see flying bombs hitting high density population centres.

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Says who and why?

Because if they don’t there’ll be war quite simply.


What a world war?