🐛 🕵️‍♀ Coronavirus - Alternative Theories

Said i might do this on the pissed thread and i went passed pissed hours ago, but mainly it’s the fault of @saintbletch for liking that post, which was like offering me the gateway drug for what follows, so any offence the following causes, please take it up with him😉

So we know that science has been long discarded(logic also, as it can’t exist in a world of contradictory numbers).


And we also know that if you play around with numbers some people might ask questions about what happens if you take the new way of playing around with numbers and look at past years from a different perspective.


Oops. See what redefining can do to a death count.

Anyone want to explain how this figures with the complete destruction of millions of people’s chances of feeding themselves in a month or two(and how that might just affect a few other things(we live with ridiculously complicated systems that can’t function without each other) and that’s before we get to what it’s going to do to the gobal south(less so the white genocidal imperialists obvs. For a short time at least)?
Sound bad, i haven’t even got to what this means for your children(bottom(ish) of page and it’s fucking horrific).

BAU has long gone and the fucking meaningless numbers you’ve all gone along with are nothing but a shocking insight into the complete lack of thinking from intelligent people faced with the choice of the clear and obvious numbers or complete bollocks propaganda that matches a media bullshit position your unthinking minds have been programmed to accept, no matter how many times the lies are shown for the pharma bullshit they clearly are(sorry but fucking shocking is putting it mildly and don’t forget, take it up with bletch if that offends).
It’s a bit like the official story about WTC7 compared with the reality of physics.

Doesn’t add up, no matter what angle you look at it.
But you’ll still be accused of being a conspiracy realist(not the billionaire media led halfwits usual term admittedly).

What a complete fail from the addicts that discarded logic for the next fear hit(screen heroin).

Frightening numbers are so easy to produce. Just ask industry financed muppet Ferguson and ICL and their less than childish, but profitable bullshit “modelling” for pharma.
Anyone that disputes that please look up his funding, his subsequent humongously exaggerated numbers and the subsequent massive profits made by his pre fear backers(1999 onwards. It’s a case study in massively over exaggerated numbers for pharma and when i say over i’m talking up to 441000/1 out and always in favour of his present financial backers. Coincidence?).
The stupidity over decades is more than revealing about the media led, but highly educated idiots, but this has been covered as far back as Voltaire and I’d guess a lot further back.
It’s cost the rest of us a fortune and some poor unfortunates, even on these shores their health, but don’t mention that or you’ll be accessed of being an “antivaxxer” and if you ever want to see how industry defy all logic with meaningless contradictory terms, that’s about as good as it gets. Almost like they’ve never fucked up and destroyed thousands or even millions of lifes across the whole world in the chase for profit.

But we knew this was coming(and some planned). it’s a regular occurrence after all.
Yes we really did know, it’s regular as clockwork.
We have regular large spikes of deaths up to 3.5x average in the normal scale(which strangely matches some numbers at the top of this post), but feel free to ignore if the opinion piece in the gaurdian warns you about the hazards of thinking for yourself.

Anyone that wants to deny this, please post the stats for the lowest ever yearly use of hospital beds(it’s this year and even ICU only peaked at about 42% in the height of the non crisis(unlike January [2]). But please remember to thank the private sector for being payed handsomely for carrying out procedures that that the NHS could have done for half the cost. Probably have to sack all those public professionals that have had no work for weeks now, even though they personally know their pre fear porn patients are dying unless they won the private health care lottery(clap along one and all).

I won’t go into the complete bullshit that is “temporary powers”. If you think you have a brain and believe it’s bigger bigger than a gerbils, please look up the truth of why they’re anything but temporary.

As an aside(but intrinsically linked) anyone that thinks that the Gates of Hell foundation do anything apart from avoiding regulations for profit(philanthropy is really using the black poor as guinea pigs), whilst also killing/sterilising as many people of a certain skin type(not white obvs) as lab rats during their eugenics experiments should probably stop with the industry bullshit.
Here’s a decent read(follow all four points), but i can post loads more, including court fillings, from just about all inhabited continents that show, unsurprisingly similar eugenics results for all non whites that have the misfortune of the new Nazis pushing in their front door under the guise of philanthropic vaccination(sterilisation in reality).


Funnily enough that industry twat Monbiot has never heard a word about what’s been going on for decades(but a dumb builder can prove it).
Let’s all trust 97% vegan George.
What’s a 97% vegan George? These are your own words and all i read from that is FUCKING FRAUD.

People forget that eugenics was all the rage with the whole white world from our rise through the manipulation of energy up until the end of Market Manipulated Mass Slaughter of the Poor II(generally known as the Russian defeat of the Nazis).
It’s greatest cheerleader of course being that military imbecile, responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of his own. Yes, the well known pedophile and general iinbred idiot called Churchill.

Look back and it’s easy to show the financial crisis started in September 2019 and when i say started i mean completely collased, a bit like a teenager, with say 81 supporting limbs, that all of a sudden has a little area destroyed in one support and who could guess that all the other 80 would decide to defy the laws of physics and join in at the exact same exact moment and miraculously vaporise whole sections of themselves. A true wonder of faith based idiocy followied.

It’s almost biblical, until you realise that after three years of supposedly thorough investigation(including the destruction of all known evidence) they hadn’t even realised(if you’re fucking idiotic enough to believe the media) that a 47 floor building that was only 18 years old fell into its own footprint in 7 seconds(anyone that understands maths, physics, structural engineering, architecture please explain how that’s possible?

So fucking schadenfreude to the unthinking, you’ve dragged us all here, you fucking gormless halfwits and you still can’t see what you’ve done. Retards, one and all. Specialisation always has and always will produce nothing but extremely limited idiots(of the smug self aggrandising kind of course. Always).

Here’s what your uncritical version of profit led non science has led to.


Oh yeah, something about your futures for the educators/parents, from years ago when those that tried pointing these things out were attacked by the media led unthinking. If you get to the bottom of it, click the link for part two, read the first two paragraphs and remember this was written in 2016 not last week. Fucking prophetic i’d say.

“Free market principles cannot prevail if educational experiences remain subject to local oversight and trained, veteran teachers continue to be part of the conversation.”

There really needs to be a thread about the planned future that’s being introduced while you’re all clapping like seals on demand (the most dispiriting thing i’ve witnessed in my whole life)…

[1] Number of deaths from Influenza or Pneumonia, Clinical Commissioning Groups in England, registered between 2015 to 2017 - Office for National Statistics

[2] Hospitals are at 'breaking point':

I’m sorry those posts will antagonise, they’re horseshit and reek of agenda driven shite, proof not copy and paste shit.

If this is going to be discussed, and I don’t see why it shouldn’t be, I think we need a better OP.

Appreciate that this began life in another thread, but a structured summary of the issues would go down a lot better than heat of the moment accusations that everyone is unthinking.

@Saint-or-sinner - would you mind doing the honours please? I think this has merit, and despite @Barry-Sanchez’s protests, I think the fact that all our arses are on the line means this should be a valid topic of discussion.


This could be a good place to drop stories that dont fit the narrative.
Like this one.

BBC News - Coronavirus: France’s first known case ‘was in December’

Virus was in France in December.
Obviously he could have caught it from someone who caught it from etc…

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You can cast this in the anti-vaxxer bin until the names of patent holders comes up, the Italian Flu Shots & the comments about Ebola
I’m a cynic not a conspiracy but, but but.
More of these to come I guess

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I see they’ve banned David Icke off the YouTubes for him expressing his long held view about individual events being part of the tiptoe to totalitarianism.

Banned off the YouTubes.

There was a time when prime-time would parade the cunt on telly just to tell us all mad he was.

Now he’s banned, and that is slightly madder.


Interesting that Icke was banned a couple of days before they started testing the new app on the Isle of Wight. David Icke lives on the lsle of Wight. His head will be exploding!


That’ll be 5G


Of course it’s all 5Gs fault

An economy based on technological control? We’ve had that for about 30 years now! Glad she just realised. Wake up sheeple! :laughing:

Haven’t seen this yet, but this has been uploaded loads of times to YouTube and was banned.

This copy still lives. For now.


The assassination trail with her is far better developed than with Ferguson.

Linked to some prominent anti-vaxers as well.

And didn’t I post that link couple of days ago?

The notion that it is a naturally occurring but man modified virus is perfectly plausible in my unqualified mind. As to the motives behind modifying it I am not sure one way or the other.

It’s not implausible to me either.

I rarely pick up a brand new, blue sky system. I’m normally riffing on a base, and I have to mutate that base to get it to have the characteristics I want.

If virology is anywhere near as granular, I expect it works the same.

Alright folks, alternative approach. Get your fucking supervillain hats on.

Who would welcome COVID-19?

‘Box’ from Logan’s Run?


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Walt Disney? (You know he’s still alive, just frozen)

  1. Hedge Funds. Pick up assets & businesses on the cheap - suggests US.
  2. Belt & Road. Screw global economy especially transport & Supply Chains, use Foreign Currency Assets to mop up strategic but distressed Infrastructure Assets while playing nice guy with Aid, Medical Teams & PPE.

Take your pick move these to alternative theories thread

A true environmentalist - Looking for vast reduction of industrial behaviour, fuel consumption etc., maybe a rogue lab worker or fundamentalist naturalist released the virus to shut down the planet and decrease the ageing population whilst letting wildlife flourish - Chris Packham? :face_with_monocle: