:covid_19: 😷 🏥 Corona Virus the thread for all your fears ❓

I am pretty sure I’ve seen some nice adverts for holidays in Saudi.

But seriously just had the same conversation with daughter - summer? Great you’ll be at 75% jabbed.
But everyone else is gonna be pretty much still shut down and restricted.
Even Dubai is locking down again having dropped the ball over Christmas

This is a problem of younger wives we never anticipated.

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The other problem being how expensive Viagra is…


No it’s remembering you snogged her mum at the school disco in 1984


Yes, I have been wintering in Thailand and SEA for the best part of twenty years, and have many friends there, some Thais but mainly UK ex pats, most of them with businesses of one kind or another related to tourism. A good friend recently retired after doing 30 years in the British Consulate out there. They are not expecting any tourism, in a meaningful sense of the word, to resume until 2022 at the earliest. Especially from this part of the globe. It’s a changed world out there, and the new normal will be far removed from the old normal.

You need a friendly GP.

Sorted :+1::+1:

I’m harbouring a faint hope of a fortnight in Spain this year. Might happen, might not.

Go on, shatter the dream.

You heartless cunt. :rage::rage::smile:


We’ll be lucky to get a week in a caravan park somewhere in the UK… prices are going to rocket for staycations

Booked New Forest again in August, looking forward to it, June holidays are fucked.

Which is why we’re moving to the country to open a glamping site…

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Football with fans might be on by then, might we be arranging a pre-match beer as well do you think?

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Ha Ha thank you for the invite and as ever if I can make it I will.

Daughter has 2 kids. 6 ish & 2 ish. 6ish home schooling 2ish Nursery.
They are anally retentive about masks & sanitizer. 2 weeks ago outbreak at Nursery.
They never went inside stayed min 2m away scrubbed up before getting in car & when got home.
2 weeks ago App told them to isolate. 5 days later tested. Clear.
Today Son in Law in bed, bad throat, depressed has an elephant sitting on his chest. She has an ache in her neck but running around looking after kids.
Both positive .
The new variant does change the game.

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That’s tough, as someone with a 7 and 4 year old I can relate, hope they get better soon enough.

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Cheers Baz.
Daughter has faith in our crazy family DNA…
And the years of over production of Vitamin D in the sandpit.
Equally as she said. Hubby in bed shes carrying on.
Strange how he refused to take the Vitamin D & separate Multi Vitamin supplements their Doc recommended…



Not good to hear that. Hope all sorts itself out.

Me and kids got off lightly but Mrs C_S less so - recovered but she’s deffo not back to even 75% of pre Covid - though she’s arguing otherwise.

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We missed this

And as I said, the locals all think it is a sad attempt to cover up a clusterfvck

BBC News - EU vaccine export row: Bloc backtracks on controls for NI