Coming soon... ooh er ....Gay Chutters Cracked Rib's Abandoned new name for kid's charity thread

Mahogany pinkie nail.

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Harry Sanchez - the long lost brother brought up in a community of black lesbian socialists Leading to him being a fully paid up member of the liberal bleeding heart club band

i will donate to get this on the list - DONE


I think we have our winner

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Katie Hopkins’ Wizard’s Sleeve.

If that’s allowed I’ll contribute a fiver.

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Ok, it has to be infantile and have a homosexual subplot to wind up Barry.

I’m going for Biggus Dickus.

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…I must have led a very sheltered life as I had not heard of thet expression before…so I looked it up in the urban dictionary and promptly pissed myself.

Problem with this one soggy is that folks will think I am bragging… Whereas I am a modest man, in all except the trouser department


Well it won’t matter what you think if it gets the money / votes you get the name as long as it is not offencivive or a real person of course.

Peter Tatchell.

Goaty, time to Close nominations and get the vote going.Would you do the honours and provide a defnitive list of nominations for the thought police to review? befor final list is available to vote on?


The last week of Chutney

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but you’re new into the game of trying a little bitchy war with Bazza, try again mush.

OK, so far I think we have:

Harry Sanchez

Katie Hopkins’ Wizard’s Sleeve


Ebeneezer Spooge

Spooge McDuck

Spongebob Spoogepants

*ucky Mc*uckface

Hugh Janus

Peanut Weasel


Areola Grandee

Bum Guzzler

Useless Eunuch

Troll Troll Troll

Just Like Fanny’s

Baz, you may find yourself the architect of your own destruction - unless you’ve oodles of cash to donate to get a different winner…


I couldn’t give a fuck, if someone wants to mimic my name to change it from a homophobic one thats great I have always been a force for good and this proves it.

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OK,that is a lot and we may end up with everyone voting for tehir own nomination and it being far form conclusoive - right now its like an Italian election ballot paper, so we need a ‘first round to’ to leave us with the top three. that way we get a cleare result.

So how we going to do this.

PS. Bazza, please let the forum know which if any of the above offends you …

Bet you can walk on water as well?

And change wine into water… :lou_wink_2:

(Baz, not Chutters)

Peter Tatchell is far more valid.

How about everyone gets to pick their three favourite names?

We can then eliminate the 7-10 least popular.

Then we can vote again on the 5-8 that are left.

Or we could just let Barry pick :lou_wink_2:


We could also ‘monetize’ the final vote :lou_wink_2: