:Ru: Care to comment on Russian aggression?

And the West gives billions of dollars to yes men all over the globe to undermine legitimate governments and overthrow them to pursue their own selfish interests. The warm water port is just a small part of the equation, to suggest it is solely about this is ridiculous. Of course Russia will fight to keep access to the port in Sevastopol, why on earth wouldn’t they? Are you that naive to believe they will just roll over and allow the likes of a Trump led America with a pathetic May led UK yapping embarrassingly at their heels to fuck them over? This is the real world Barry, the days of Rule Britannia and America land of the free are long gone. Aside from the bought and paid for states like Israel, the Saudis and their fellow travellers like Bahrain etc, the USA and their allies are despised by right thinking people across the globe. And rightly so. Just look at the havoc they have reduced the world to over the past 30 odd years, death and destruction across the Middle East, resulting in terrorism on our streets. Failed states like Iraq, Libya, destroying their infrastructure, slaughtering countless thousands of their men women and children, forcing thousands of them to flee to the West. With a grudge. It wasn’t Russia who did this, it was us. Apart from a few very isolated incidents of Islamic terrorism, which is cracked down upon quickly when it occurs, Russia doesn’t have the problem we do. Bombings on our streets, theatres, public places. Why do you think that is Barry? We are reaping what we have sown. And the clock can’t be turned back, we have to get used to it because it won’t be going away anytime soon, it will get worse. A price worth paying for for our unconditional support for American hegemony across the M E region? I don’t think so, but it would appear you do. Just as long as it stops evil Putin from having a warm water port on Russia’s doorstep. The West have to bite the bullet and accept that the days of compliant, drunken piss head Russian leaders like Yeltsin and the like, who could be bought and paid for, are gone. Like it or not, Putin is cut from a different cloth entirely. And do you know what really pisses our Western leaders off the most? He has approval ratings from his populace that our lot can only dream about. They can’t do fuck all about that,and the more dollars they throw at it the stronger his support becomes. The Russian people, for all their hardships and there are many, must be laughing their bollocks off at us at the moment with our national chaos, lack of leadership etc. In case you haven’t noticed we are currently the laughing stock of the civilised world with the whole Brexit farce. Pointing out this obvious fact doesn’t make me a hater of my country, in fact i would suggest you are the true hater because you are quite prepared to put up with this humiliation and the ongoing unrest on our streets courtesy of our adventures in the ME, just as long as Russia doesn’t have a warm water port.
Your silly argument every time that somehow anyone who questions the status quo, and points out inconvenient truths about our country’s behaviour means that we are biased, support homophobia in Russia, and above all a “hater of this nation” is intellectually ridiculous. The gulags were full of people who “didn’t love their country” Barry.


Do you support homophobia?

What on earth does that mean/ Of course i don’t. Do you?

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Yet you support Putin.

Hahaha. There you go again. So pointing out facts which give the lie to your paranoia regarding Russia makes me a homophobe? Do you support misogyny? White power? It would appear so, after all you went to Trumps America on holiday spending your hard earned boosting their economy. I haven’t been to Russia. Do you see how ridiculous your arguments are? It’s not a case of supporting Putin, you are using the tired old G W Bush argument, if you are not with us you are against us. I suggest you read my post, you clearly didn’t before because your silly “are you a homophobe” response was made within seconds.


Warm water port in a strategically shit place if they simply get holed up in the back sea…

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Trump is also a cunt. He is a homophobe like Putin, Farage etc etc, how could I vote for any of those cunts or even support them? You support one of them.


This is true but they have the Montreux convention, I’d fuck them and block Instanbul or slow down freight traffic, this warm water port isn’t their main long term goal though (is it SOS), that lies in Syria and hey fucking presto who are the Russians helping out in that part of the World? Have a look guys, its all there.

So the Syrian port gives them the access and it’s easy to block access to Sevastopol anyway. So you’re whole argument has been another attempted deception.
As for your earlier question.

What’s the thread title?
Who was the real aggressor?
Can we now put Georgia in the bullshit box with Russiagate(the hysteria), MH-17(histories most fraudulent investigation), Syria(the lies to justify mass murder(again)), the Kerch Strait aggression(same bullshit tactic again), the Skripals(may they rest in peace) and the whole Crimean lie.
Can we do Russian interference in Brexit next?

Why don’t the Russians leave Georgia?

Can’t you remember this discussion just yesterday. As i said, the same reason isreal gives for staying in Syria. Russia’s reason is genuine, isreals is not. Got to the isreal thread and you’ll be somewhere that has lots of illegality to mention.
Why won’t you discuss the Russians role in Brexit. Your favoured media have all claimed it. You should be horrified. What are your thoughts on this?

What is Russia’s genuine reason?

This’ll be good.

And you haven’t answered why they haven’t left Georgia, what was Russia’s reason for invading Crimea and the Donbass again?

Anyone else think this tread has died a death (some time ago…)?

Must unfollow it.

I’m with democracy and freedom, I’ll never give up Cob…

Don’t answer a question with a question(multiple when flustered?). Answer what was asked of you first.


And in turn close themselves off and inflict untold damage on other nations for 44 years, bravo Soviet Union bravo.

I raise a glass to the nation that defeated the Nazis. Without them we’d all be led by Nazis like Reinhard Gehlen.
Oh, seems we are.