:brexit: Brexit - Deal or no deal

Perfect, looking forward to seeing how many other completely cuntish regimes we can add too Saudi, Israel and the US post Brexit… gotta love this now we have out country back, we can do business with whichever nasty governments we like without those pesky EU restrictions

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Yeah, that’s going to cause some issues, as TPP is eager for new nations, but you can only join by accepting everything(plus you have to make concessions to join, so in reality your worse off than all your partners).
It’s also another NHS killer and all regulations really, as you have to agree that all partners have access no matter how low their standards are.
Remember TTIP well we’re getting it with this.
Maybe everyone should be Howard Beale.

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For our vote it’ll cost more than that you dry old bint, all it shows is the inequality the North has suffered at the hands of London, get fucked.

Ha Ha! Spot on! This is the inevitable endgame as whatever form Brexit takes will never have anywhere near majority support from the Nation. This really is a sorry time for Britain.


I love how politicians spin things… in this case the evil witch suggests how ‘PROSPERITY’ is unfairly spread, when the truth is ‘How poverty as a result of years of austerity is disproportionately affecting many northern communities…’ But, it should not be forgotten, there are plenty of food banks in the South, just less visible amongst some of the excess


They’re trying to buy the North to pass a Southern bill, the only time they throw money up here is when the cunts need something, fuck that, they can get fucked,



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And as a net contributor to the EU isn’t that our money anyway?


It sure is, all we’ve done is subsidise former Soviet colonies and help them move their capital from the UK to such places so they can buy a house.
But we’re told we’re free to go and work there, ok then…

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Yep, this is the daft thing about the contributions we make

We hand over a ton of money to the EU which they promptly give back for project that they deem appropriate

Why does this need to happen - why can’t we allocate the cash?

Now that’s unfair. You’ve shipped all your wealth to Eastern Europe so that I can now claim it and use it as capital to join “the elite”


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Do the patriotic thing, once you receive UK monies return it post-haste.
Being in the elite class in so overrated…

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OK, I’ll spend it all on Cider @ Glasto.


I’m willing to send you an IBAN number and address, if you would like an easier way to repatriate your money

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Dear esteamed Sinner Mr.
Yore aplication for the funds of the wealth of sovereigns has bean aproved by Director the Board of.
The some of US€ 18,960,727 and seventy hundred and six will be sent to your leasure on receept of yore humble number of Bank ackount

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Dare fil -Polski mister

please help me. I am suffering persecution in Eats Africa and must escape cuntry or they will kill me and my family. First I must transfer my funds to Western bank. For this I need bank account number. I have lots money. If yo can send me your bank account details and security codes to confirm transfer I will pay you fee of $30,000 USD for thanks

Thank you for much Meestar Fil sir

Yours grateful

Princess Conny Aht Tister


Is Barnier really just thick? This whole mess was caused by him & Tsk wanting to make Dave look stupid when he tried to address some of the concerns the British People had, now he says "if you don’t like it then have the one thing that is impossible.

Strange, he either really doesn’t care or arrogantly thinks the split in Parliament will go away by Wednesday.

Mate, what you, and much of the country are witnessing, is the inflexibility of the European Union. The tactic where they decry things as impossible is ridiculous, requiring the observer to buy into its authority.

As we’ve seen ourselves with the GFA that they are jeopardising, yet trying to smash the UK over the head with, nothing is impossible in political negotiations, even Martin McGuiness and Ian Paisley buddying up to the point where they were nicknamed The Chuckle Brothers.

Or the concerns of some of the Tory party?
Did we get asked what our issues were and then Dave went to the EU colleagues and failed?

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Bit of both your & @pap’s replies @Intiniki imho.

As a trained negotiator with 25+ years experience in International Deals it is so obvious from a distance but then we’ve had amateurs & politicos sorting this mess out.