:brexit: Brexit - Deal or no deal

That’s Southern Ireland, they’ll still be in the EU after Brexit although I think the EU are cracking down on lax tax laws so that might all change.

Yes lets see how Varadkar likes the EU, the snide won’t be able to hide then.
Its an off shore haven no more no less.

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Been here doing registration stuff for a week. Nearly done.
And today we get a tick in a box that means we can get an EU Grant to set up a Trade Licence (company) here.
Wonder why that was never made something in Blighty?
Oh, wait.

I think the main reason the real power wants out, is more to do with transparency. Cameron tried to get the EU to make an exception for our money laundering crooks and their trust funds. They said no, he then called a referendum and reminded us all who he was really working for.


Ffs, I’ve only just got back in!


Do yourself a favour and actually try to understand the history of what went on. There is tons of material, including an entire book written by Cameron’s press secretary Craig Oliver.

There is so much on the public record that is in complete contention to your wild claims. Given all that, and given the demands you make of other posters regarding evidence, do you think you might be able to drum up just one credible source that corroborates what you’re imagining?

Do yourself a favour and don’t talk down to people, when your using a tory pr man’s, tory pr man, pr book(good mates are they?) as reference.
Try an Internet search.

I’ve posted this before, Watch it.

Or if you like a book.

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Just how thick are the ruling elite? FFS



Seeing as most of the British Population hold Parliament in complete contempt at the moment, don’t think anyone will notice/care tbh.

Just worried that one day the British Publics eyes won’t go back into their normal position after a particularly large outbreak of :roll_eyes::crazy_face:


And it’s game on. Corbyn backs 2nd referendum

#awkward choice for @pap?

Hasn’t this always been the policy agreed at conference? Don’t rule out PV if it can stop no deal brexit?

Idiotic move.

What a big cultist I am.



Once upon a time the role of opposition was to oppose.
It is an interesting call, seeing as much of the UK now see the realities.
Not convinced remain would win, but they must have done the maths OR realised it will be irrelevant by midweek

I’m genuinely not worried about the prospect of a second poll. Leave will win by an even greater margin. The great shame of it is that the process will be controlled by whichever right-wing faction gets into power.

Still, I’ll take some comfort in the fact that they won’t be as right-wing as some of our pals in the German and Austrian Parliaments.

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Lordy, I really do dislike GG.
Many Labour voters (apparently 75% of them) would like a second vote. What’s the harm eh? If its still a resounding Leave then it’s just a rubber stamp. Anyway, we just love going to ballot boxes a lot.

Or Italy.