:brexit: Brexit - Deal or no deal

I can go along with a lot of the reasons and even that a no deal could work, but the single worse thing that we could do, is sign up with the US.
We hold no cards and have the worst possible people in charge(bonfire of regulations), who will agree anything for personal gain.
Which unfortunately makes me worried about people that

There has to be a point that things become unacceptable. Can’t people want the vote upheld, whilst still being vocal about the shit that Fox and the rest of the cunts are going to place on all of us(but yet again, mostly the poor)?
Maybe i will get a unicorn on the 1st April after all :lou_facepalm_2:

We don’t need to “sign up” with the US. We can continue the successful present relationship which involves no formal trade deal.

Those will be the arrangements that netted us a trade surplus of £34bn in 2017.

We had a trade deficit of £80bn with the EU in the same period.

No, we don’t need to, but we are going to. That’s all that matters at the moment.
We have people in power, that dream of being just like all the worst parts of US capitalism(i’m guessing there are some “less worse” parts, but feel i’m being over optimistic) and were preparing for this long before the bloke that lost the coin toss with Al Pfeffel even announced it.
Have your dream and fight for it, but don’t ignore what they’re doing, just because the other side will try to use it against you.

Deals can be ended at any time, and that’s assuming that Liam Fox actually gets his through. After all the fuss over May’s deal with the EU, it really won’t escape scrutiny.

You’ll sleep loads better if you stop treating worst case scenarios as inevitable, perpetual and immutable dystopian outcomes.

That’s just not how things work.

In theory, not always so practical in reality(especially when all the media will be against it).

You remember the powers Fox was given. I did post about it at the time. Has anything changed?

I sleep fine, thank you(but i’ll admit, you’re not the first i’ve had to answer).
Some things are inevitable if you follow what’s leading up to them.

Don’t you read my posts?



Life goes on, and it would be a shitload better and a shitload less divisive if more folk invested their political agency in changing it for the better instead of mourning over the restoration of democracy to this country or parroting an obsession about chlorinated chicken.

Cameron getting into power and calling a referendum was a good thing then, because this issue is so important?
This bunch leading us out is fine because we’re out and that’s all that matters?
How many people needlessly died for the first and how many do you think will for the second?
I know the answer to the first and it sickens me even now. Will you be so blasé when you hear the future figures, that are unavoidable under the present regime?
Yes, some things are inevitable, so i’ll ask again, as you didn’t answer last time. Where is your red line?

The problem with trade deals is really vey simple… we have a net surplus with the US because they want what we produce much more than we want the crap they do… the deficit with the EU is because we as consumers want EU goods (even VWs produced in Mexico are classified as EU goods)… Without a deal and silly tariffs, we may end the cost of EU goods becomes excessive… and we are left with cheap shit form China and crap from the US…

Coming back to NHS and privatization… We need to to be careful when throwing around statements about (to paraphrase) ’ a ton of services within NHS already privatised’ - There is a HUGE difference between services and some clinical interventions being outsourced by the NHS to private companies, which are still reimbursed through the NHS, eg at no additional cost to patient, versus commercial insurance companies being involved in our healthcare provision. Its easy to dismiss this is a ‘fear’ but the NHS is fucked without substantial changes to the way its funded and that means either much higher taxation, ring-fenced for health services (as in the German system) or commercial insurance offering full care tariffs as per US, not just our token ‘Bupa’ schemes that cover a private room and elective interventions only… The fact we cant even have a proper decent debate about healthcare funding because ‘average person in the street’ thinks the NHS is untouchable / brilliant and thus parties are too shit scared to address it, is another reason why this country is fucked… sorry, but fuck it. This country has its politics governed by 3-4million swing voters who I would hazard a guess could not tell you the difference between the NHS, the US insurance system or a controlled non-profit insurance system such as in Germany… who believe ‘British is best’ despite driving a German branded car built in Mexico…

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Cameron was pushed into giving the vote as the right of the party kept saying (some truth in it) they were hemorrhaging to UKIP, don’t forget Cameron is a City man and was hugely pro EU, the shire tories did for him.
We won’t leave with a no deal I can assure you as well, big business will not allow it, if I were a betting man I’d say there are meetings up and down the Country between business and mp’s saying just this, leave but we need assurances and stability to plan.
That was rhetorical by the way.

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Cameron lost a coin toss. He doesn’t give a fuck and never has(apart from his trust and all others, that the EU wouldn’t make an exception for).
We’re leaving the day before the new laws come in, making all offshore show figures, ownership and pay tax where the money is made.
That’s why we’re leaving and why there will not be a deal unless the corporation gets the protection it wants. If you think normal business gets a real say, look at the figures for the corporation.
No one else’s view will be considered. That’s how they work and always have. You’ll get your wish, but the North will, as always, get the worst of it, but fear not, they’ll offer up a new scapegoat through the propaganda machine and it’ll be laped up(just like the last 40 years).

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The neck of Leo Varadkar, eh?


I would just like to point out that the Irish Army has around 9k permanent personnel.

In the hugely hypothetical scenario that it got into a war with the Netherlands, it’d be outnumbered 4 to 1.

It’s not just that Leo will need to raise the defence budget. It’s mostly that anyone serious about military service in Ireland still ends up signing up with the Brits.

What red line?

Is this presumably the point where I say “Oh noes! I don’t want accountable British cunts in control anymore!!! I want unaccountable and unelected European cunts in control instead!!”.

Never, ever going to happen.

I’d always choose the accountable cunts over the other kind, irrespective of nationality.

So nothing is worth even putting it on pause for?
Ok, let’s play your hypothetical game of trade agreements with America can be changed at no loss, apart of course for the fucking great initial loss(do you believe that for even one second. Look around the world if you’re unsure) and dead people can be brought back to life, because if they can’t what you say, is at best naive, or worse, rather evil.
There is no red line for you whatsoever. That hypothetically condemns a lot of people(not really hypothetical is it?) and you don’t consider it important, because hypothetically at some time in the future there might be a government that gives a shit(although that’s never happened in your lifetime, really, not hypothetically).
Your view looks horribly like Martin Niemöllers best known piece, which is a shame.

Whatever, bruv.

I’m sure others will have other views.

Maybe this is this the big divide… those that believe or should I say hope that a future government that actually gave a shit about more than itself, greater local autonomy …might… deliver more egalitarian and socially just society…


fucking cynical realists

The desire to keep power as local and accountable as possible should have the cynical realists wishing for more, not less of it.

desire is all well and good, but if you think it will put extra food on the table of the worst off, its not desire is dreamland…

I hope they do.
I seem to be the only one that still believes we’ll leave without a deal, which understandably makes it difficult for people to picture the possibility.
It’s a case of don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do and they’re full steam ahead, to the point all in his department were informed to plan only for no deal(the other ones been done, hasn’t it?).


Or simply buying our food from outside the EU at cheaper prices, which the rest of the slumbering world still seems to manage.

We won’t leave without a deal, big business and London won’t allow it, all these contrived “leaks” from business concerning a hard brexit will ramp up now, many are going down the Parliament to lobby and put significant pressure on their constituency mp’s.