😆 When I Saw This I Laughed Or At Least I Smiled Or At Least I Wasn’t Bored MK II

‘I am a massive cunt’ is all could make out… :pensive:

Nope …

I’m all in favour of these mega puffer coats, for ladies, especially over here
Got MiL one for Xmas, it’s a lifesaver.

But on a fat bloke?
In Beige?
At Football?

Deserves all he got


They are called dry robes. Absolutely fine in the the middle of winter in Poland but when you see someone walking around in one in England in the summer they tend to get the piss taken out of them. Fair play I reckon.
Goldie Lookin Chain released a superb track on the subject, hilarious lyrics.


The top rated value one here was 15 quid.
At Lidl

Epic Fail

The dude has some serious mental health issues IMHO


(Mr & Mrs Drake btw at the Grammys)

Sky News




Kanye’s wife Bianca Censori shocks in transparent dress at Grammys. Bianca Censori’s see-through dress draws attention as rumour circulates she and husband Kanye West were “escorted from the event” afterwards, although reports conflict on this point.

She looks like a rabbit in the headlights. :rage:

That’s because her barnet is pulled back so unbelievably tightly that she can’t actually blink.


The Auspicious footsteps of Buddha?

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No, Philip, wai… :rofl:

Who said AI was useless

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Finally, Winchester receives the accolades it has fully deserved.

Nothing tragic about that, is there. Nothing at all. :unamused::smile::smile:

Time to get in her good books lads, get your orders in now and don’t leave it late as usual. :+1::+1::+1:

Best make sure @CB-Saint doesn’t but the Ayatollah saucepans/ frying pans again or she might buy her own pressie :wink:


0-1 Leicester

Mrs P_F was having a Zoom party last night with a couple of the younger team from her work.
Guzzling plonk.

1 of them went to cut the plastic top thing off a bottle of Vino so she could use the corkscrew

3 hours later after a queue in A&E, 16 stitches in her hand…


As I pointed out, at least when I did similar I only needed 6 stitches after almost cutting my thumb off with a Diving knife while in the sandpit trying to open some Oysters we’d collected on a Diving trip,

Drunks & knives out could be a movie title

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The Superbowl ad we all needed. 30 years ago…