šŸŽµ What are you listening to etc

Not getting much work done, ratio of underworld to work is currently about 80/20 :lou_facepalm_2:

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Now calming my tits, got a bit over excited.

Apparently Iā€™m not listening to much:

I donā€™t recognise half the ā€œactā€s in the list (well, their music anyway)

I revel in my philistinism

Great word.

And kudos for squeezing 5 syllables in such a small space.

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Patronising cunt


That comeback was excellent.

No, really, it was.

Well done.


Congratulating myself for seeing what you did thereā€¦so clever. :lou_lol:

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Heā€™s wasted on here. No really.

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ā€¦and youā€¦youā€™re the top of the milk. :lou_lol:

ā€¦on a hot day.

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Rancid cream?

Have been called worse tbf

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band name.


Sometimes only the Bobmeister will doā€¦ especially when itā€™s new old versions from what I believe is one of the very best albums of all time

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She sounds like a woman wronged.

Great track.

Is this the place to say I honestly canā€™t be bothered with Bob Dylanā€¦?

He genuinely bores the sour piss out of me.

Similarly canā€™t be fucked with The Beatles (except Revolver and bits of the White Album), the Stones (fuck off you misogynist old cunts), Elvis (motherfuck him and John Wayne)ā€¦

Frankly, most of the white rock canon can fuck off to rancid death.

And Van Fucking Morrison, Iā€™ll piss in his dead mouth, the cunt.

The 60s were bollocks except for Hendrix.


Perhaps itā€™s because possibly you were born after the '60s. If, like me you were raised in the '50s and '60s youā€™ll have a different perspective. I know for a growing lad, the '50s were deadly dull musically, crooners and novelty songs in general. The '60s were revolutionary in contrast but it doesnā€™t work for many who didnā€™t have to endure what went before.
However, not a Dylan fan, or an Elvis (post army) fan or by any means Van Fuckin Morrison. The Beatles and The Stones were our own, liking was obligatory.

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Ok. Agree largely apart from your last sentence. I was born in that decade so didnā€™t know the music, but catching up with what went on back in the day I have to say there was a load of stuff that kicked the 50ā€™s into the long grass.

Edit: just to add. Same argument for the ā€˜70ā€™s and punk.

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The Chain thread has sent me off on a Tindersticks bender. This is so good, itā€™s almost intolerable:

And this, I bought it the same day I bought Aphex Twinā€™s first Selected Ambient Works album, and they both changed me in unchangeable ways: