Welcome to our newest members

Thank you, Fouly Dog. I did leave a message on that damned Butler’s blower asking who the fuckety fuck is in my room but, as per usual around here, I got no answer.

That’s because he was actually in your room, pleasuring himself with your Site Intellectual badge. The award hit him hard. He covets.

I fitted that award with power springs for just that eventuality.

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Good to see you back here furbee.

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frbl can’t expect the full new member package every time he goes away + comes back again. He’ll have to sleep in the corridor, like a bum.

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Originally posted by @Bearsy

frbl can’t expect the full new member package every time he goes away + comes back again. He’ll have to sleep in the corridor, like a bum.

Your concern is appreciated and justified. Just not necessary. Furball had to re-enter through the “special” door.

Originally posted by @Bearsy

frbl can’t expect the full new member package every time he goes away + comes back again. He’ll have to sleep in the corridor, like a bum.

That ice you’re walking on? Wafer thin. You don’t want me as an enemy, Earsy.

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If it ever comes down to it, I’m afraid Brum bears sit higher in the pecking order than site intellectuals. It’ll be you that gets the chop.

And why not? This is a vanity project for the Bear, after all. The rest of us are just garnish :laughing:


frbl pls

pls frbl

pls no frbl, be srs

Well I’ll just say this. I watched Payback last night.

Payback, released 1999. Note to self. Furball only appears to be 16 years behind the zeitgeist at present. Ensure that cultural references are brought up to date*

*Simply add ten more years more material to the Sanchez file.

I hope I did not say that out loud.

Do it! This will be like West Side Story - Bearsy’s massive vs Furball’s crew.

We need a bit more drama on this forum.

Doing my best Lou. Trying to bring Brian down with dated movie references in which Mad Mel gets his toes crushed.

Go easy on him, Furball.

Bear’s a Southampton legend, don’t you know?


Butty D, I would kindly ask you to remember just who you are addressing.

It is not you place to think, yours is to do.

It is not your place to be talking to guests, that is my job.

Mr. Furball will not take kindly to dealing with someone below his station. He has already made it clear in the past that he wishes to grind my organ and give me a monkey - I’m paraphrasing, but I think I captured the essence.

As I have been kept busy by visits to Louise’s lawyer who has retained the services of a US attorney specialising in Ohio law, I will allow you to greet a few guests in my stead.

I will return to address the issue of the returning Furball momentarily.


I didn’t leave, goddamit! I flounced out. Flouncing out is not leaving!!


Originally posted by @Furball

I didn’t leave, goddamit! I flounced out. Flouncing out is not leaving!!

For future forum reference.

Not really endorsing the prose to describe Furball, more providing credit. I like the Bingo card though.

Has Verbal gone and bought himself a personality?!!

I’m so sorry, Mr Bletch. After all your kindness and all that you’ve taught me I really should know better. And I know you’ll make sure I never do such a terrible thing again. Thank you so much for allowing me to do some greetings - I hope I can make a good job of doing it.

Tanned and relaxed…I would have been had I been on holiday, instead a sojuourn to the cellar where His papship has had me tied to my coding laptop has left me pasty-white and with an addiction to caffeine-based soft drinks and an Italian bread-based snack featuring tomato and cheese.

Anyway, it appears that we have some new guests…

Ladies and gentlemen of pap Palace, you’re familar with Optimus trousers, but please welcome the original, the real McCoy, the one-and-only, the man himself…

That’s right, papsweb now has a pair of trousers !!!

trousers joins us with an unviable reputation for swallowing Tory dogma, and thanks to uneven wear on the heals of his brogues, he leans to the right.

The very King, Queen and Jack of the pithy one-liner, the batman of brevity, the superman of succinctity, he will I’m sure enter into laconic battle with Goat boy that will see each of them attempting to balance hilarity and parsimony in ever-decreasing circles in an attempt to make us laugh at the letter a *.

It is a little-know fact that trousers suffers from a defect in his vision, so I would ask existing guests to help him whenever it becomes obvious that his free-market-myopia has kicked in. Simply pick him up, dust him down, and point him to the left.

Whilst it is not my custom to ‘out’ pap Palace guests, I think it would be useful to know what he looks like should you notice the myopia I mentioned above.

This is the most recent image we have - taken from the passport that Non-optimal trousers has left with me for safe-keeping.

Interestingly the last stamp in there is from Equatorial Guinea.

His papship has asked me to place trousers ‘somewhere in the right wing’, so he will be resting in room 110100001 on the sixth floor usually reserved for visiting dignataries. I’ve advised him to follow his nose, as he will be next to mrjalfrezi.

trousers is user number 120 to register **

bletch - butler at pap Palace.

* Remind me one day to tell you the anecdote about the IBM 972 Iteration Compression Algorithm that I invented. It’s a blinder - in a geek sort of way.

** Yes, my book keeping is out of sync with that of His papship’s. Live with it. If I may be so bold.