We are now live - Please PM me with any issues you find

On the off chance we get to a semi final again


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@tigger, have a look at the Tiggerā€™s Theme.

Iā€™m not sure if it is what youā€™re looking for, because some of the text now looks difficult to see.

Happy to keep tuning it. Just give me details instructions on what you need!

Did I mentioned that you can animated GIF backgrounds for your user cards?

Go on, touch me.

You know you want toā€¦


The whoā€™s on line list of avatars gets a bit cosy (crushed up) when loads are online- see Engerland v Belgium gameā€¦

ā€œLoadsā€? Thereā€™s 10 of us.

Thatā€™s as good as it gets isnā€™t it?


maybe my eyesight was blurred- have spent most of the afternoon in tā€™pub tbf

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I do miss being able to express dissatisfaction with a posters comments with a hearty down vote.

This ā€˜flaggingā€ to the Mods doesnā€™t really cut the mustard.

Itā€™s all too nice.

Are we not allowed to offend each other with an honest to goodness downvote now and again?

Bletch #snowflakeā€¦


Yeah, I can see that.

But, Iā€™d say that the downvotes from the old forum made the place quite adversarial and aligned us behind cliques.

We do have the option of installing a ā€˜retortā€™ system that allows you to quickly express something about a post.

See hereā€¦

We could implement it here and limit the emojis.

If I hear the same comment from others or you get lots of likes for you post @Cobham-Saint, Iā€™ll discuss it with @TheOwners and @TheSoviet.

Cheers @saintbletch a thumbs up or down would do - especially now that we have @BTripz leading the 4th Reich :lou_wink:

Have you factored in the inertia and bloody mindlessness on the site (in a good way obvs) ?

Perfect thank you

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Anyone seen the cool expansion of emojis?

:metal: :man_cartwheeling: :metal:

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Any good?

The man from pap monte, he say :ballot_box_with_check:.

:pineapple: :palm_tree: :banana:


Sorry, but this is all too difficult for me. It was nice knowing you guys. What a shame.

Oh. Thatā€™s not good.

If I can do it then so should you.

Laters then


This is why we need downvotes @saintbletch & @pap

The site is a tad too happy clappy nowā€¦

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Can I help, @Nottarf-Krap?

Is there something specific that you want to do but canā€™t?

Can I produce a guide for you?

Let me know and Iā€™ll do what I can.

Donā€™t be a bellend


@Fatso @saintbletch asked for the possible not the impossible :lou_lol:


Anyone have any issues when replying using their phone? I cannot seem to hit reply. Iā€™ve checked settings and the touch screen sensitivity and itā€™s fine on other sites just on here. When I am in the response box I end up hitting the Bold and Italics etc.