🇬🇧 🥳 VE Day 75th Anniversary

Fucking neighbour posted a note through the door saying the street is having a party at 5pm. Brilliant. Stupid fucking pricks. There is no way I’m joining in. And now they’re going to think I either hate them, the war dead or England.


Invade Crimea and Georgia.

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The younger generation didn’t grow up in Dresden in the 70’s, pure romanticism.

You can blame the French for the 2nd war, Versailles. The Poles, Finns, Czechs and many others got fucked over.
Should have looked at Spain.

I blame the French for everything bloody cheese eating garlic smelling surrender monkey’s.

The French were a big factor in us getting into general war in Europe. For starters, they were the fiercest supporters of the diktat of Versailles, still spitting feathers when calmer heads had prevailed elsewhere.

But then it was the French that bore some of the biggest costs of the First World War, not just in men, but also in terms of land. There are still bits of France now permanently contaminated from that conflict.

Ultimately everyone, including the French, put too much faith in the French, just as they put too much faith in us. As it turned out, neither country was in a fit state to go to war with Germany. It was only when larger powers got involved that matters were decided.

The French had a better military especially tank divisions at the start of the war, the maginot line was shit as I’ve correctly said (they acknowledged this by trying to build to the Atlantic later on but missed out the Ardennes because it was supposedly impenetrable). They never really attacked the Germans or pressed home any advantage, they had shit war leaders at the start total shithouses locked in palaces.

Why is this an either?

Why can’t it be all three?


Do you particularly care what they think? They already think you’re a homicidal pigeon murderer who’s driven his wife out of the house.


They probably think he’s done her in.

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Let’s order a load of paving slabs for delivery to fatsos place, and wait.


Weren’t a lot of them Renault tanks?

The French Mobile Armoured Divisions. Brought to you by the same firm that would eventually spawn the Megane.

Explains a lot.

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Court Marshall…

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Apparently the Daily Mail believes the German media uses scientific language instead of war metaphors to describe Corona virus “due to losing the war”.
Any thoughts? Pap?


Here in Poland, we have a daily briefing.
It is carried out by the SCIENCE Minister. (you know, follow the Science)
PROFESSOR Lukasz Szumowski.

You’d never guess what he is a Professor of?


Since November 2016 he has worked as Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

He graduated from medical studies at the Medical University of Warsaw. He subsequently began work at the Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw-Anin. In 2002, he obtained a PhD in medical sciences, while in 2010 he became an associate professor in medical sciences. Since 2011, he has led the specialist team for life sciences at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. In 2016, he obtained the title of professor from President Andrzej Duda.

He was the Head of the Cardiac Dysrhythmia Clinic at the Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw, where he had been a member of the Scientific Council for many years. He held numerous positions in European and Polish scientific societies. He is a member of European and Polish Cardiological Society.

What an entirely Johnny Foreigner thing. Appoint a Minister who has experience and training in the field that their department covers

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Yeah. You should stop reading the Daily Mail.

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Oh i don’t read it, although i must admit i sometimes go to readers comments just to keep up with the thoughts of the nation. I recommend it, educational, laugh out loud funny and depressing all at the same time.

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Not really, I am a keyworker, good old NHS


Mrs Btripz has got us all out and has her equipment out turned up loud. The neighbours are enjoying it. Even had people coming from a couple of roads over wondering what is going on.

I’m sitting in a picnic chair drinking beer…

I think lockdown has got to the neighbours. We had an air raid siren about an hour ago. People opposite set up about 1pm with tables, chairs, canopy, BBQ and tent. They seem to have acquired a load of elderly people as well. I’m going to ring the cops.