🛸 ❓ ...UFOs

Old news. Ezekiel wrote all about them, and Blumrich even drafted out technical drawings of the aliens’ visit.

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I guess they told you that over a beer while waiting for LITSL?


Have you never even read Von Daniken? FFS. :unamused::grin:

Is it on Netflix?

So, Phil Andery is also Phil Istine? :thinking::grin:

Are you speaking Polish?

Strange goings on North Baddesley way.

These granite standing stones appeared in a field some time over the last 36 hours. How did they get there? My theory is they have slipped through a time vortex into our present space/time continuum. It chilled me to the bone I can tell you.


Fear not. The Baddesley Barnstormers are putting on a really shit version of “Stonehenge: The Musical” this panto season.

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I hear you’ve volunteered as the ritual sacrifice. They’ve already bought this stage prop…

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Are they still going? I thought they were still banged up in chokey after the unfortunate Fanny Hands Lane incident (real place, look it up).

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Ffs - you of all people :man_facepalming::man_shrugging:t3::joy:

I used to play piano for them when I was a kid. There was plenty of scandal back then, trust me :flushed::joy::joy::joy: a hotbed of illicit activity.

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Hence the Fanny Hand Lane query….

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You seem to speak with some authority on the matter. You aren’t my uncle, are you? :thinking::smile:


Well, I have the tell-tale 6 fingers….you work it out :wink:

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18 inches tall, apparently. In danger of being crushed by a dwarf.


That’s all very well but we were talking about a time vortex and marital infidelity/incest. Your lack of perspective of this significant incident distresses all who seek the truth. :rage:

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