:trumpdumb: Trumped!

This week he’s been one of the busiest most committed Presidents ever, yet all you can do is highlight a couple of little things that the members of the press who are still to be jailed, are peddling as some sort of negatives?

Donald is the victim here.

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@jboy that is exactly (sort of) what I was saying to the wife earlier. I mentioned that more Amercians have been killed by Americans in their own country than by “muslims”.


Indeed, we should ban the fuckers from coming here, with their fat and bigoted ignorant fuckingcuntishness…

Check out the Petition to Prevent Trump from making a state visit.

Just watch it for a few mins.


Impressive, and still 4 months to run!

Agree with all of this, but would also like to add that I love all the silly little noises that Serafinowicz adds in, all the slurps and hmmms and sighs make it extra funny :lou_smiley:

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Days until achieving majority disapproval (since they started polling)

Reagan: 727
Bush I: 1336
Clinton: 573
Bush II: 1205
Obama: 936

Trump: 8. days.

Well, he did say he wanted to be a record breaking President…


Originally posted by @JBoy

Alec Baldwin Trump voice:

“More Americans are killed by toddlers than refugees. I’m banning children, they’re small and annoying and their hands are bigger than mine. They don’t even vote. Sad.”


Not surprised the world is in meltdown.

Politician says he will do something during election campaign.

Gets into office.

Does what he said he’d do.

Yep that never happened before.

Note that observation neither supports nor rails against orange Ness. The shit went down on the day my Syrian mate moved into his new Trump built apartment.

I think it’s all a bit Alanis tbh

Originally posted by @JBoy

Agree with the sentiment behind this.

Apparently though, the countries that have been banned are those identified by Obama’s administration that pose the biggest threat…not saying it’s right though.

I don’t see Trump as a man to listen to anyone else - that will be his own personal list.

I’m surprised France isn’t on there too.

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Whilst I think it would be excellent to ban the orange, strangely coiffured, narcissistic twat from visiting here I also think it would be good to get him here and rip him a new one. Either way, plenty of entertainment value.

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I really can’t see him lasting very long, already we’re seeing a conflict of interest overlap with the Trump Organisation and his policies.

Only banning Muslim countries he doesn’t have business interests in being the prime example.

I mean, Christ, he’s managed to create a situation in which lawyers are the heroes - that’s one of the signs of the apocalypse is it not?

It really is a shame that Carrie Fisher died before he took office…

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The Parliamentary Petition doesn’t ask to ban Trump’s visit…just to not afford him the honour of a “State Visit” and all that that entails.

What a wimp out. It would be far better to refuse his entry at Heathrow and send him back home.

First three lines from a New York Times piece


Well there is a lesson for the civil servants - if you want to have a say, you had better pull your finger out, because sure as shit, Donald is not going to wait for you.

What else did Donald promise?

No VAT on hair pieces.