📰 The most exciting thing to happen in Salisbury since Stonehenge was created

They should get one of those men in yellow suits to walk into the cell and spray an aerosol in their faces.

That ought to shit them up


And now I’ve just posted on this fucking thread again :lou_angry:


They’ll get the book thrown at them and quite rightly so, could be a Russian plant though to highlight how this could happen?

And you talk about people wearing tin foil hats?



My tongue was firmly in cheek, but whats good for the goose and all is certainly good for the gander.

UK doesn’t dispute it. So they knew the real identity but said nothing? Or have I misread it?

The intelligence service and doing its job and releasing information when they need to, nothing wrong with that, the Russian lovers have no where to go, this was an assassination/cathedral holiday.

Of course Barry.

You’ve got no where to go, state sponsored assassination by your mates, classy.

As I said above, they have far more information/photos than they let on. They couldn’t prosecute based on just the information they released to the press, quite obviously they had more. So what they did was give the Russians enough rope to hang themselves before starting to release the remaining information.

And just happen to release the information on the same day as Corbyn’s conference speech.


Looks like a typical shit propaganda piece.
“the Bellingcat group”? Much like “the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights”. He’s(yes he, singular) been shown up as a liar on multiple occasions.
Then the “facts”.

"British officials have not commented.
UK investigators have said Mr Boshirov was a Russian intelligence officer.

So the investigators are Bellingcat and no one with any more knowledge than you or me.

“A picture of Mr Chepiga from 2003 appears to look like a younger version of the man who used the identity Ruslan Bushirov.”

An old picture appears to look like. That’s it?
What kind of fool would believe that?

How do you know that they just used a photo?

That’s all it says. How could i know any more?
The article tells us nothing, apart from the BBC are happy to quote a very dubious source and two people may have looked similar at one time.
He may well be the man, but we were given no evidence, so it deserves ridicule.

You believe what you want to believe, you’re a denier and hater of Britain, thats all there is to it, you’re in the wrong Country mate.

Barry, you are so fucking far up your own arse it’s comical.

You say @Saint-or-sinner hates Britain but I doubt you couldn’t be further from the truth

Likewise you profess to support the Saints but your posts imply the complete opposite

A denier of opposite opinion and one more likely for his own agenda, I love the Saints, that certainly doesn’t mean I like the way the clubs run, the regime, the players, modern football and the manager.
The club and City are a part of me no matter how shithouse they are and I am.

Get your “RT” quote on it.

A denier and hater of Britain.
Is that because i have questioned obvious falsehoods and indiscriminate murder under false pretences?
Should i just swallow the lies, like a brain dead nodding fool?
Would that make me a good docile idiot?
Sorry Barry, your world just isn’t for me.

So you choose to believe Russia over the UK?

You’re not on this planet.