⛳ The Masters 2019

Taxi for Justin.
Misses a 3 footer on 18 to move outside the cut line.

Tiger rolling 'em in.
Patrons roaring.
Now its waking up.
Even Rory looking like a golfer again

Tiger"s on a roll and the Lightning sirens stop play after a cracking tee shot on 13.
Early night then.

Tiger taken out by a security guard.
Wouldn’t happen if the Tiger Team were with him, we’d have zapped the guard without xray eye beams…

Moving day.
Sun is shining, Finau leading and Tiger rolling.
Sets up for a long night, shame I’m slightly pickled.

Heads up.
Early start 3 ball groups off 1 and 10 tomorrow.
TV probably starts at 3pm
Big weather front moving in towards Atlanta


he cant keep it up, surely?

absolute freak of nature

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And he bought me a beer.

I can say the same about @BTripz

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I think you’ll find I have never purchased you alcohol, never

He was the underage boy outside of the local Spar saying “please mr just get me”

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sorry it was poorly worded, I meant to say Tiger Woods has bought me just as many beers as Btripz has.


Wife kicked off sofa. 1st Ale opened.
Molinari leading Tiger by 1. Poulter in the mix.
Ain’t moving.

Leading group wobbling.
Poulter wobbling on 11.
.Time for someone to come out the pack?
Schauffelle, Cantaly, Koepka?

Koepka, Poulter now Molinari ALL in the water ar 12th.
Poulter drops 3 shots in 2 holes
Finau goes in the drink also

Game on 8 players within 1 shot of the lead!

Have to say this is as tight as I have seen it

And the Ayatollah deciding to take up golf mean’s that it is now perfectly acceptable to watch golf all weekend


Others running out of holes & steam Toger & Molinari back in some control of their swings & still the par 5th
Could come down to the 18th