šŸ˜ƒ The Little Pleasures of Everyday Life


hrist even the Germans know what t is


Not an answer to the question

More people play tape bLl than any other form of cricket.

Remember the thousands on any spare piece of dust in the sandpit?

It is huge

Oh, theyā€™re all some sort of cricket. Why didnā€™t you just say so in the first place?

(anything cricket related leaves an indelible blank on my memory- unless itā€™s corporate hospitality obviously)

The view from my home office desk this morning


Trip overseas for birthday lunch for Mrs S on the IOW. Lovely day, great meal.:smile:

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:dizzy_face: Did you get your jabs first?

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We risked not doing that. But we remembered to put our watches back 50 years.


Grandkids go to Stagecoach for acting lessons.
Eldest has skillz.
Heā€™s already done a West End one off show.
This week he got cast for a walk on part in a Hollywood movie filming in July.

Could be the 2nd of our lone to be in a movieā€¦

Except he has to go through a mountain of paperwork to get school & Council permissions


Youā€™re still dining out on Confessions of a Caddie, arenā€™t you.


The Ayatollah has plantar fasciitis

Thatā€™s not the little pleasure

She has bought this tens machine thing for the feet. She sets it up turns it up to max because ā€œmy feet are so badā€. The second her feet touch the mat she erupts like a Polaris missile.

She now has concussion from hitting her head on the ceiling

I canā€™t look at her without smirking

On a airport hotel - went to pay for a meal with my BA Amex card

The waitress takes my card and says BA you get the discount

The Ayatollah starts to pipe up - I boot her in the shins

20% discount later everyone is happy

Except the ayatollah


Chocolate tasting in Edinburgh


Haggis spice? :face_vomiting:

Shouldnā€™t all those be deep fried?

Has anybody on here actually eaten a deep fried (mars bar) or any other confectionary as I havenā€™t

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I take it you have low ceilings?

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No, but Anthony Bourdain refers favourably to trying them out in his book ā€œA Cookā€™s Tourā€.

No, heā€™s married to a kangaroo.

On a day when most are focused on the game, my morning has been about getting an ice pack for my ankle (which is balloon sized)
I cannot tell you how utterly orgasmic it is to have finally got one.
Oh my days.