šŸ˜ƒ The Little Pleasures of Everyday Life

After all my travails with great western, I am now in seventh heaven, as my electrically operated leather settee is back! We have been apart for two weeks now.
Last year there was some serious repair work done (over Ā£1,000!) - this year some bits of non leather previously OK had started cracking, so more repairs - replacing the plastic with leather.
Some advice for others - if youā€™re going to spend a lot of money on leather furniture, watch out for the use of plastic. They tend to use leather for what you actually touch, but bits unseen are done in inferior plastic, which does not last long.


I have died & gone to heaven

Not exactly adventurous on the beer front are they

Itā€™s Bania Luka - the alternative to Wodka i Piwa
Basically 400ml of beer costs you 1.60 a pop so who gives a fuck which beer brand it is at that price :sunglasses:

Back in my drinking days Iā€™d have been working my way across that bottom shelf behind, starting with the Ballantines.

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IF you were in Krakow & still drinking we would not have spent much time hereā€¦

True. It wouldnā€™t have taken me long to knock off a double each of that bottom shelf.

At last, only 9Ā½ hours behind scheduleā€¦

Now would be a good time to mention the Grandkids & parents hit Le Shuttle yesterday on their way to Tignes
They were of course on time.

Just me and Young Adult #2 home this weekend.

Curry just ordered and cold beer ready.

Going to leave all kitchen worktops in less than pristine condition until Monday :+1:

After a very long dayā€¦


Coming back on the Euro Tunnel, get to Calais 90 minutes before we check in, get put on an earlier train, for free. That train then gets brought forward by 30 minutes :slight_smile: Got back to the U of K at 19:45, 90 minutes before schedule.

Motorway back was plain sailing, home by 22:00

First time I had to stop after getting off of the train was at the County Gates roundabout in Bournemouth!!


Yeah that roundabout has always been a nightmareā€¦what a bummer. :lou_facepalm_2:

Going to the freezer to get dinner and finding out it said defrost thoroughly before cooking :curry::shallow_pan_of_food:


I have a card ready to go - a reserve parachute, if you will.

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The lads in my family have always been a romantic lot.

Valentineā€™s Day is a good example, be it a card and a dozen red something or others from the supermarket, or a set of new saucepans from Amazon for the dear lady. This, however, is a family trait that predates convenience stores and online shopping.

I give you the Valentine my gg grandfather sent my gg grandmother in 1828, before they were wed in 1833ā€¦It reads,ā€œWhen You This little Present see, I hope you then will think of meā€

Gub! Iā€™m welling up. :cry:

Mrs P_F donā€™t you dare do anything for Valentineā€™s we donā€™t need it.
She gets up at 05:20 for work 12 Roses & card

I get up and there waiting is a card & box of local hand made chocolates

Itā€™s ALWAYS a trap when they say stuff like that


Those bastards at Betfair have acknowledged I am an Englishman of good standing and have re-opened my account. they then said have a free 5 pound bet so that went on and brought back 40 little beer tokens. :laughing: :laughing:


Lady Slowlane and I have been shopping in John Lewis as usual. Made up with this bargain!!..canā€™t wait for it to be delivered next week. :smiley: