😠 The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life

I’ve never been on a bus, but if i did go on a bus, i wouldn’t want to be sitting next to teenagers cos they’re the worst

You want me to get you on the guest list Lewis? :lou_wink_2:

Howabout pensioners who don’t even pay to ride kiddo. :lou_lol:

i would sit next to u on bus lifeinslowlane. I would reach under ur blanket + comfort you manually srs that is what i like to do on bus


Don’t even joke like that.

I’m weak, I will do ungodly things for tickets to those gigs.


I was trying to give you 2 up votes Bearsy…but it won’t let me. Hey Pap can we fix this? :lou_lol:

Me neither, they’ve all failed in life, wouldn’t want to sit next to a failure, not me, no sir

If you upvote me I’ll use my upvote on Bearsy’s post for you.

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Could you not park outside your double gates, so it makes it much easier to let miss pap out. Well until you have saved for that drop kerb.

Kids having 1 hour 45 minutes to get ready and then when you are leaving, they have not got their shoes on, coats ready, hair brushed, hair up, book bag cannot be found, remote control missing to turn the tv off. On activity days, swimming stuff not ready, trainers missing, even though all these things they have ready and been told where they are.

Also when you get in the car or to school and they do not have said coat/book bag… etc


So, kids. Basically.


Originally posted by @KRG

So, kids. Basically.

I nearly added that to the end in summary. But yes, kids make my stress levels raise the most… Even over Watching Saints.

Reason #4532 KRG ain’t reproducing.

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Here is another one, just from Monday.

My 4 year old son has been hassling me to put the side netting on the trampoline for a while now, so while the sun was out on Monday and another few requests from him as he pointed out into the garden a few times within about 15 minutes, I grabbed the tool kit and headed into the garden.

I thought this would be a quick job, as I headed over to the trampoline, being followed by the boy, but I was getting more and more frustrated as I turned the screws I had to hold the other end secure as I turned them. Kept trapping my fingers and was not getting anywhere fast. It was ok though as my boy was encouraging me by asking if it was finished yet and also putting it into a song. The air was turning blue and I sent the boy indoors, as I started to realise it was a 2 person job! I carried on and still had the hope of getting it done, in between the boy poking his head out of the back door to ask if it was finished. Not only this he was asking when he was getting his tea!

The light was fading and it was getting cold, but still I worked on to get it finished only for the boy to ask again, daddy I’m really hungry when am I going to have my tea, daddy daddy, when can I have my tea, sooooooo hungry. At this point I threw the towel in and marched indoors to get hid fecking tea and took the toolbox with me.

As I was making his sandwich, the boy looked out of the back door and turned to me and said ‘daddy, you have not finished the trampoline’.


This is exactly why we have gun control in the UK


And, of course, having to traipse around with your kids, taking them from one thing to another. My youngest now does an hour af football on Thursday evening, an hour on Friday evening (both about 4miles from where we live) and then matches at the weekend. Then he does rugby on Sunday. He’s only 7 ffs!

Just think of all the money you’ll get off of him when he’s older and signs a professional contract for Portsmouth, you ought to pre-empt it and become his agent, quick.

Other half will be attempting to get a ticket tomorrow.

Could have a “moan about kids” thread. Or if you want I could post up all the tips I provide parents so they don’t think their kids are a pain.

Mine brings me more joy than pain.