😠 The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life

If the “continuous-focus” works like my Sony A7…if you press the shutter release hafway down it will “draw” an in-focus square around the object in the centre of the frame. When that object moves the “in-focus” square will follow it, ignoring branches etc nearer you so the object of your picture will continue to be in focus. Search the pdf book for “shooting moving objects” Remember for shooting pictures of fast moving objects also select “continuous shutter release”…this will fire a stream of pictures as long as you keep the shutter release pressed.
Here’s a good video for you…

Yeah, get the same view and tech. It’s very ingenious and i’ve barely scratched the surface.
The problem for me mainly arises when i notice a bird between branches. The auto has a habit of picking the closest thing(never the bird) and and although i can focus on something else, then back in to the bird, this takes time the birds don’t appear willing to give me. Get what you’re saying and know about Sony’s famous eye follow(or whatever they call it) and sometimes it helps, but the above problem, not so much.
I was thinking just use manual focus, as it would seem quicker(I know what i’m trying to focus on, unlike the camera).
Have found the continuous shutter invaluable for insects and some birds(but still no Kingfishers for me😠).
I will delve into the book when i’m back from holiday and spending a weekend on the riverbank(alone).
Just noticed the vid. Will watch tonight thanks.

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I haven’t got that full tracking in the vid on yet. That’ll help a lot with certain attempts and will be heaven if it can do that awkward between branches thing. Cheers again.
Down side, my daughter will probably take about 1000 shots tomorrow. If she gets a really good kingfisher one, i’ll be blaming you :joy:

The other downside with taking pictures with the continuous shutter setting is working through loads of them to identify the ones worth showing. I do it directly after taking them reviewing them and just leaving the ones that are framed nicely and are in sharp focus.

I’ve been considering this. My daughter takes loads, but deletes none. First one i delete will without doubt be her favourite. Might just transfer mine and tell her that’s her card, once it’s full, tough.
I’ve also noticed that i have become very aware of changing light and regularly pick up the camera just because the light on a tree has changed. I’d like to say that’s annoying(thread topic), but in reality it’s exactly what i was hoping for. Something that keep me in the countryside more, works with fishing and also being on the move👍

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Lighting is everything…if it’s a bright day with scudding clouds I take out my Sony A7…if it’s dull and overcast I put my Sony RX100 in my pocket.
If you want to use a dedicated topic there’s one I started in the “Gallery” section… Serious Photography Hobbyists?

I will use that for future discussions. Far too many questions this early, so will play around and hopefully get a few shots worth posting there whilst learning.
Lots of questions will follow, no doubt about that :roll_eyes:

I certainly won’t know all the answers but usually know where to find them. :lou_lol:

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Fvck me it’s cold here sitting on the balcony having a final vodka in about 6 layers & goddam frozen
12C? More like 6…

Getting all my fitness certificates stamped.
Sorting out the ingredients for a full English Brunch and stocking up on IPA for a Sunday on the sofa watching cricket.
And getting a booking for my 1st paying customer at 12:20 that afternoon.

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Wimbledon and Cricket this weekend.

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You’ve missed out The British Grand Prix too. :lou_lol:

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Not something watched by my partner (though from 1995-1998 I used to watch and had a soft spot for Jacques Villeneuve)

It’s an annoyance because you can’t decide which to watch?

Yeah… absolutely that.


And the tour

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What tour? :woman_shrugging:

always found him a bit creepy.

This is not so much a little annoyance but a fucking seething rant

Second leg of our trip home the Ayatollah was unwell (suspect is a crime brûlée the night before) so it was a challenging drive through France - get to the tunnel drive on and it sets off

Ayatollah says she needs to stand up, gets out the car and drops into a dead faint
I rush round to help and here’s the thing, she is out cold, I am yelling for help and people are just walking by including the absolute cunt who fucking stepped over me to get by. I mean who fucking does that - that properly upset me.

Anyway the Ayatollah is alive and not quite kicking and sporting and enormous egg on her forehead which I am struggling not to laugh at.

But on the drive back from Folkestone I vowed I would never ever walk by if someone was asking help

That bloke is still a cunt and I hope he gets terminal anal worms