😠 The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life (Part 2)

I am happy in my new roo

Its only fault is the window is beoken and doesn’t open.
I could live with that.

They served hard boiled eggs russian salad ham & white bread for dinner.

3 x hard boiled eggs.


That’ll bung you up nicely. Just what you needed, eh? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::frowning:


Internet messages that say its going to rain in the Philippines.
It rains every day just some is heavier than the rest.


Eggs again I’ll be bound.


Edinburgh airport, check in open at 08:50, we’re 4th in the queue, 1 desk. Luggage label printer stops working. 30 mins later we’re through to security. 20 mins later take whiskey miniatures out of hold luggage, still in packaging, but no, have to take them out and put them in plastic bag. 15 minutes later sitting at departure gate, 80 minutes after check-in opened

Why do Australians wear shorts on airplanes?

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I saw a YouTube about how insanely unhealthy that is exposing your bits to the seats that are never cleaned

Post just delivered. Playoff Final ticket has still not arrived

Your request for a replay has not been accepted.

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Absolutely spot on from this guy.

SSA© approved.

No mow May

You fucking lazy council bastards l, like you give a shit about bees, more like to can save a few quid on mowing

And it’s playing bloody havoc with my hayfever. I thought I had grown out of it but no, there it was in the background waiting for some idle cunt not to mow the verges

On a serious point, I used to be a bit asthmatic as a kid because of my hayfever - wonder how the kids are dealing with it these days


They have dedicated therapists, a Hayfever Pride flag, equal rights for allergy sufferers, and a witch-hunt against pollen.

When I was a kid, nobody had asthma
just runny noses.

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Fucking car insurance companies! (Spoiler - this story has a happy ending).
Someone backed into our car in a car park. Driver admitted responsibility, no problems with our insurance.
They sent a bloke round to examine to damage, and give insurers an estimate for the “cosmetic” repairs - a small dent and a few scratches.
The visit by the blokey raised concerns in our minds - comments like “you’ll need a new door” - quizzical looks from me and her (both of us thinking no we won’t. Follow up to quizzical looks - “well, we might be able to get a second hand one, but we’ll have to paint it, so it will cost the same.” No it won’t, we think with more quizzical looks.

Off he goes, apparently has an accident and breaks his foot, so we don’t hear anything for several weeks - no big deal, because the car is drivable, and there is no structural damage.

Insurers eventually get back to us, and say the estimate for repairs is ÂŁ2,700, so they are going to write the car off.

Now go to little pleasures.


My fucking car - again - I thought that running the car longer than the usual 4 years would be the “cheap” option - yeah right. £1200 for discs and pads says otherwise

And the dickheads at the garage plugged in the diagnostic machine and didn’t disconnect it properly so I woke up to a flat battery

The AA have taken to parking up at the end of our road

I thought it unusual that my daughter didn’t send me a Fathers’ Day card. Here is her explanation:
I sent you a father’s day card from me in the post, did you get it? One from Dylan from Moonpig. Anyway, I’ve just read a post on FB by my local councillor advising that the bloody post box was STOLEN the same day I posted it, so if you don’t have your card that’s why. Who the hell (and how the hell) steals a sodding postbox?! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

What’s a Moonpig?

Like a Clanger but doesnt eat soup

Ah the old “The Post Box was stolen” story. :lou_facepalm_2:

You can laugh, but there were at least thirty letters from me in that very postbox enclosing cheques in payment for goods and services rendered. And the intended recipients seem wholly sceptical about the theft of said box. :rage::rage::rage:

We live in cynical times. :cry: