šŸ˜  The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life (Part 1)

Iā€™ve been bitten by flying things all around the world.

These little cunts are bad but nothing compares with the Scottish midges. Still have nightmares of emerging from a tent in Glencoe and facing a squadron in full attack mode.

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Since moving to the village i have never found all my work shirts/trousers.

Thanks to giving up smoking & steroid meds i have put on some weight since I got my easy to find golf trousers out of storage ready for Rome.
They donā€™t fit anymore.
So i had to order some online this morning despite knowing somewhere 4 years ago, golf and other trousers that fit got put somewhere.
Sports Direct, Ā£20 +Ā£9.99 to get delivered to mate who is coming to watch the golf with me.

I head to the Attic on day 2 of the search for my camera gear which had my 1000mm zoom point & shoot.

I moved some of Mother in Lawā€™s boxes, found a suitcase buried beneath.

Opened it.
All my old work shirts and trousers and the golf trousers that still fit.



If you hadnā€™t bought the replacement, youā€™d never have found the ones you already had. Thatā€™s a fundamental and immutable law of physics.


Racking my brain to think of something I really need so I can hunt for that and find the bloody camera!

Perhaps you should go looking for that missing sense of optimismā€¦even if you donā€™t find your camera Saints might win tomorrow. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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The Space/Time continuum works in many ways.
But not that one


4 wins at home in 12 months isnā€™t it?

Two league wins. Weā€™ve had twice as many managers in that time :smile::smile:

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Red card for this?? :rage::rage::rage:

The gameā€™s gone soft, barely brushed them.

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7 hours ago FFS

In the When I saw this thread 'cos it wasnā€™t boring

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Come on, heā€™s had a busy dayā€¦bless


I want to know if he has been disinfected after going to Pompey ?

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He needs to be quarantined tbf


I went to the clinic for the full range of vaccinations before setting off. :syringe::+1::+1:


Overdid the Raspberry picking yesterday.
This evening, for the 1st time in about 30 years my back has decided to play up
At this rate I wonā€™t make the airport let alone the stairs to the plane
(yes I am taking meds!)

Your next annoyance will everyone who has had a bad back before saying

ā€œWhat you need to do isā€¦ā€¦ā€

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Car Insurance renewal.

One year on. No claims, no incidents, another year NCB. Price? Doubled. Yep, 100% increase.

Fuck off


Someone has to pay for all those lovely expensive new cars to be repaired, and the EVs to be replaced. Plus the nudge factor away from personal cars in the Great Reset.

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Barcodes arenā€™t gonna get one more are they?