šŸ˜  The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life (Part 1)

Crocs why?

Because they are awesome?

We are having a barbie on Saturday - on our own or so I thought. I was looking forward to peace and a gut busting amount of grilled meat

I have deliberately overordered some ribs and spent yesterday evening preparing the rub and making the sauce (Pitt Cue BBQ sauce - its epic)

The Ayatollah has just texted to say her brother and wife are coming over for a Eurovision night so, not only do I have to watch crap telly, I have to give up half my ribs to the fuckers

Clearly we will need a Eurovision Match day thread for you to hide onā€¦

So, Amazon are now adding adds into films which is annoying, but theyā€™re also now sticking in ads for their products when the screen is idling :rage:

I go all around the world and still find this turning up in my house.

Trying to place a ā€œcollect callā€ to New York via my Talk Talk landline.
For reasons I need to talk to a major financial institution based in NYC. They offer overseas clients a phone number on which they will pay the charges if you connect via the international operator. This works on the Virgin and BT phone sytems by calling 155. On TalkTalk dialling 155 gets me Talk Talk customer services. Logged a complaint and have spent half an hour talking to a young woman for whom English is not her first language expaining that Iā€™m not disputing the cost of overseas calls, but trying to reach the international operator - something she had not heard of.
It currently appears that you cannot do connect calls or reverse charge calls on TalkTalk

Running out of dishwasher tabs

I know, first world problems



Use a laundry pod.

Would toilet limescale remover work instead?

Asking for a friend, like.

No, thatā€™s fairly strong acid and not detergent

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Iā€™m glad you mentioned that. Cobs was right on the verge of tipping Toilet Duck into his Miele Superwash, a disaster has been averted. :+1::+1::+1:

Contains hydrochloric acid

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Individually each element of that seems reasonableā€¦ā€¦

Iā€™ll pop my kecks in at the same time.

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Limescale consists of calcium carbonate. Easiest way of removing it is by reacting it with acid.

Well, weā€™re in a very hard water area :man_shrugging:

Errā€¦ wife???

Even you, no especially you, shouldnā€™t even consider suggesting that option :wink:

This topic was automatically closed after reaching the maximum limit of 10000 replies. Continue discussion at :angry: The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life (Part 2).