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you get to eat my share of animal products. Alls good.


See this is sort of what I was thinking on the way home tonight was, he’s an ethical Vegan so he was being a PITA about things at the company, i.e. people eating meat near him, his office furniture having animal byproducts in them etc. etc. etc.

He was probably also eulogising about being a vegan to people and trying to convert them.

So, they’re looking for a way to sack him off and he presents them the perfect opportunity.

His solution, get ethical veganism somehow protected status and then get the company done for discrimination, sorted…

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Easy!! Just call him a “sprout-munching fart machine,” show him your leather shoes and call him a cunt. Job done :+1::+1:

If God didn’t want us to eat meat, he wouldn’t have made animals out of food.


God doesn’t exist. So he didn’t.


That only leaves Mother Nature - and she did!


I think you’ll find she’s a she.


I thought Darwin created the fauna and flora :man_shrugging:

Eat vegans

That’s discrimination…eat Soylent Green. :lou_lol:

And you know this how? :thinking:

She doesn’t exist either. She would have not done half this shit. :wink:


We wouldn’t be that tasty surely.

Not much meat there, either. :yum::yum:

They really do not like Ibrahimovic do they :man_shrugging:

What do you reckon would happen to Le Tiss if he invested in the Skates?


Oh yeah and while we’re at it what would happen if the Pope renounces god and signs a pact with the devil. :joy:

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I have it on good authority that did actually happen.

I can’t reveal my source. He’s family. :sunglasses:

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So should female directors and coloured actors be nominated purely because they are female or coloured?

Maybe, just maybe, the academy decided that no female directors were worthy of a nominations, the same for coloured actors?

I think the real problem is the lack of diversity of the films in general that have been nominated. It seems to be mostly the same 3-4 films in every category. Bombshell looks like nothing special to me, but it’s up for several awards, same with Rocket Man. This automatically leads to a lack of diversity amongst the acting nominations.

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