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On the subject of Farage - he now heads up the UKs most popular party

Leads Labour by a point and the Tories by 4

Thatā€™d be Reform UK Party Limited rather than Reform the charity.

Like Joe Public will make that distinction

Jeezā€¦ own own Trumpcunt and the populist agendaā€¦ rule by telling people they will just get/take what they wantā€¦ as opposed to Governing so that as far as is rationally and economically possible they get what they needā€¦

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i make no apologies by saying how the flying fuck can people be so stupid, ignorant or simply fuelled by hate?

The excuse that because everything is shit for so many is just not acceptableā€¦ Many folks have shit to deal with, have had periods of poverty or are in poverty who DONT start blaming the weak, minorities or find the need to Embrace this ridiculous cult of populismā€¦

You ask that question, but perhaps you should ask what has the UK done to the Education System over the past 30+ years.

All about pieces of paper and nothing about Common Sense or any form of EQ


Social media is largely to blame - it has made us more divisive, more unwilling to compromise, more aggressive (at least online when you can be double hard), less tolerant.

It has given a voice to numpties of every hue and the media lap it up giving lone voices equal standing against the majority view and that distorts everyoneā€™s view of society

It also enables change at a rapid rate - does any one think macron could have launched a party and won out of nowhere without social media - he would have never had got the reach

In the past Reform would have taken decades to establish themselves, if at all - these days it can be done in a few years. One plus side is that social media fads burn out quickly, and that could happen to reform. If they are still around after a few more electoral cycles then maybe they will eventually get in.

A few things will influence this

Kemi Badenoch and her performance - does she still exist??
Tory voters and their view on how best to beat Labour - they do not want to gift labour another mega majority so maybe they go wholesale over to reform or, if the Torys look a better bet, those who went to Reform return.
Trumps performance - if the US economy goes gang busters and they do manage to slash govt waste without fucking it up too badly, the party that promises this will do very well

All in my very humble opinion

Not on this showing imho


So is Letby innocent as all these medical experts claim? If she is it would have to be one of the biggest miscarriages of justices ever.

At this time she is guilty until proven innocent. Which is the way tbe world justice systems are going before the trials are held.

The thing about a crime as heinous and horrendous as that which she was found guilty of, is that there must surely be 100% certainty of guilt. It doesnā€™t bear thinking that somebody could be banged up for the rest of their natural life for such a crime if they didnā€™t do it. There certainly does seem to be serious doubt, and more than a whiff of a cover up and convenient scapegoating to deflect from serious incompetence by senior medical and administrative staff at Chester hospital. They were also much too quick off the mark to deny Letby an appeal. Something seriously stinks.

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Mrs Waylander is a retired senior midwife, who worked in a unit like the one Letby was in - only properly run. There is a long list of practices that would not have been tolerated where she worked. In her opinion this is a huge miscarriage of justice.

Oh, methinks the French have hit a nerveā€¦


You may think that, I couldnā€™t possibly commentā€¦

Why, you planning to go back there?

Having been unemployed for 18 months I will go any bloody where

Oh really

I am shockedā€¦

Whoosh, thatā€™s gone way over my headā€¦

Thatā€™s sad,

She has great Tits as Kanye told her to show the planet 12 days ago at the Grammy awards